
4 Tips to Help You Survive Financially When You’re Out of Work

Being unemployed can be extremely stressful in many ways, but it is fair to say that money worries are at the top of the list.

If you are out of work right now, or you simply want to plan should you ever experience unemployment in the future, here are a few tips that can help you to survive (and be less stressed) financially:

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

1. Check if you’re entitled to any help

Depending on where you are located, you may be entitled to various government unemployment benefits that will help to keep you afloat when you are out of work. Local government sites are usually the best places to find information about this kind of thing, so be sure to check them and apply for any financial assistance you may be able to access.

If you are out of work because you have been injured, if it was not your fault, you may also be able to claim compensation, and finding an injury lawyer with the qualities you need to make your case would be sensible. If you are entitled to money, then right now you need to do everything you can to access it.

2. Draw up a budget

When you’re out of work and your income has dropped, it is even more important than ever that you draw up a budget that clearly outlines all of your incomings and outgoings. Once you know what you have coming in and going out each month, go through everything to see if there are any areas you can cut down on. Ending subscriptions you don’t need or use, switching to a cheaper utility provider, and shopping at a cheaper grocery store are all simple changes you can make that will help to keep you afloat, but there are many more to consider too.

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

3. Look for temporary work

It’s not always easy to find, but if you can try to look for a part-time role, temporary contract or even a few freelancing gigs, this will really help to take the pressure off. Sure, it might not be a secure job in your chosen industry, but it will help you tide you over. The gig economy is pretty strong right now, so it could be the ideal solution while you apply for something more permanent.

4. Declutter your home

If, like most people, you have accumulated a lot of stuff. Much of which you do not need, over the years, then selling some of it to tide you over is sensible. Just don’t sell anything that is actually useful to you because you will just end up having to buy it back eventually and the temporary cash injection will not be as beneficial. Selling locally is typically a better idea than using sites like eBay because you can shit stuff faster and you don’t have to pay any fees, but eBay is fine if you don’t have an easier way.

Surviving unemployment can be tricky, but hopefully, these ideas will make it, at least, a little easier for you.

3 Types Of Financial Crises (And How To Deal With Them)

None of us are immune to financial crises. Life often throws a spanner in the works, and it can throw us into a state of disarray, especially where money is concerned. It’s tough, but there are always solutions to the problem.

In this article, we will look at three types of financial crises. Some of the same rules apply for each, so follow the linked article for general coping advice in a financial crisis. However, there are extra steps you can take to alleviate the damage in the crises presented here.  While we hope you never have to endure any of the following, we hope the advice we give proves useful to you if you do.

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Crisis #1: Divorce

Not all marriages work, and this can be costly on both an emotional and financial level. You will be forced to live on a lower income when you find yourself on your own, and you may find yourself in a heated battle over possessions.

Tip: While still married, it’s always worth taking out a prenuptial agreement. This will protect your assets should divorce take place, and will afford you some level of financial security. This will ease the stress of the divorce, as you won’t have to pay court costs to regain possession of your goods should your former partner claim ownership. After the divorce, you may also want to downsize into a new property, unless this has already been forced upon you at the breakup stage. This will help you financially, as you should have less to pay on bills, and on an emotional level, moving somewhere new may also help you escape any bad memories that your current home holds.

Crisis #2: Unemployment

Suddenly finding yourself without a job can be traumatic. It doesn’t matter why you are unemployed, be it through your own fault or as the result of a redundancy, because either way, you are going to find yourself with a reduced income in the months to come.

Tip: Ensure you get the benefits you are entitled to. While being unemployed sucks, you are entitled to housing and unemployment benefit, both of which will alleviate the burden. There may be other benefits open to you, so check with your local government office for advice. The next thing to do is get back on the job ladder. Get your cv in order, and start browsing the job ads again. There is some excellent advice here to get you back into employment.

Crisis #3: An illness or an accident

Being unwell is bad enough, but there are the financial repercussions to deal with. UK readers have the advantage of free health care, so there shouldn’t be medical bills to consider, although readers in other provinces may have this burden. Being away from work can also lead to a lack of income. You might lose your job as a result of your health crisis, or you may have to live on a lower income for a while if your job doesn’t offer sick pay. Therefore in the event of an accident, it is important to speak to a car, truck or motorcycle accident lawyer on a way forward.

Tip: Again, speak to your local government office for any benefits you are entitled to. Especially when off work on a long-term basis, you will be entitled to statutory sick pay (when in the UK), and possibly other benefits as well. If you are housebound, there are ways you can generate some income too, so you may want to consider some of the money-making opportunities here to tide you over.


To prepare for a crisis, ensure you put money into an emergency fund. This will be useful if and when disaster strikes. And if you are going through a financial crisis now, follow our tips if they were applicable, and get any help you need, such as through a debt charity or your local citizen advice centre. You are going to have to budget what you have, and you will have to curb unwise spending, but there are steps you can take in any circumstance to get yourself back on your feet. http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/joymoney-srochnye-online-zaymi.html

How To Remain Financially Stable When You’re Put Out Of Work

At some point in your life, you may get put out of work for a while. It could be as the result of an injury that prevents you from working for a period, or you may have lost your current job. Either way, you need to know how to remain financially stable when you aren’t working.

So, here are three tips to help you out:

How To Remain Financially Stable When You're Put Out Of Work - no money image

(pixabay: http://bit.ly/2spnrIy)

Reduce Your Expenditure

When you’re not working, you may not have the same steady income as you’re used to. Sure, you may only be temporarily out of work and receiving sick pay, but that still means you should be careful. Specifically, be careful with how much you spend. Start reducing your expenditure and saving as much money as possible. This is especially important for anyone that’s been let go or left their job and don’t actually have an income anymore. You’re relying on your savings to get by and can’t afford to spend like mad. This may mean you need to cancel a few subscriptions and stop buying food you’d usually buy. You have to be more vigilant with what you spend your money on, at least until you find another job and get some more money in.

Take Legal Action

There are many cases where you may be put out of work and can benefit from legal action. You might have had an accident in the workplace that causes you to get injured and spend some time away from work. If this happens, your employer might only pay you sick pay for a certain time, and they may not pay your wages in full. So, by seeking legal action with a personal injury lawyer, you can make a claim and try to get some money to help you while you’re out. Likewise, if you’ve been wrongly fired, you can seek legal action to get compensation from your employer which can help provide you with money as a buffer while you look for a new job.

Get Unemployment Benefits

If you’ve been put out of work and you’re trying to find a new job, you can claim unemployment benefits to help tide you over. What this means is that the government can pay you up to around $450 a week while you search for a new job. You have to go down to your state unemployment insurance office to apply, and they’ll give you all the forms to fill in. It’s important to note that this is a temporary measure, and you can’t just abuse it and stay on these benefits for as long as possible. You’ll need to attend regular meetings and provide evidence that you’re looking for jobs or else they’ll cut your benefits completely. It is well worth getting these benefits as they’re there for a reason. If you have no income, it can help you be more financially stable and pay your bills, etc. You don’t have such a strong reliance on your savings, and you can keep your finances in shape while you look for a new job.

With these three tips, you can remain in control of your finances even when you don’t have any income from a permanent job.