
Landlord-Busting Financial Strategies (for a happy new year)

Landlords can take home a lot of your money at the end of the month. Yes, they provide you with housing, but it often seems to come at an exceptionally high cost, especially considering where your income is at the moment. 

That’s where this post can help. It looks at some of the landlord-busting strategies you can use to get back on your financial feet and enjoy living again. 

So, what should you be doing? 

Landlord-Busting Financial Strategies (for a happy new year) Couple moving into a new home image

Maximizing Savings From Rent

The first step is to maximize the savings from your rent. You want to invest in strategies that let you cut down on the costs you already face. 

The simplest solution is often to go to your landlord and negotiate with them for a lower price. Many of the entrepreneurs who own these buildings won’t increase rent if they know you are a long-standing, high-quality tenant who is likely to remain in the property after the initial term. 

You can also do things like splitting the costs with a roommate. Yes, that will involve sharing the space, but it is a tried-and-tested way to reduce outgoings substantially. 

Look For Ways To Fight Back

Another approach is to look for ways to legally fight back against your landlord and get them to foot some of the bill for your accommodation (instead of putting everything on your shoulders). The compensation for housing disrepair amount can be high, so always explore this avenue. Look at the current condition of your rental property and ask whether you could work with a lawyer to benefit from compensation. 

Embrace A Smaller Home

Landlord-Busting Financial Strategies (for a happy new year)
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Another approach is to embrace a tiny home. Usually, you can buy these yourself from savings. But even if you can’t, tiny homes can be a great way to cut down on living expenses overall. 

If that doesn’t work, you can try co-living spaces. These are usually fixed buildings with like-minded people who simply want to find living arrangements offering them lower costs. Even if it means sharing with other individuals, they don’t mind. 

Partner With Others

Sometimes, you can also partner with other people through so-called “shared ownership schemes.” These are where you split the equity with people you know (or professionals), lowering your mortgage costs and making it easier to move into a home. Yes, you will still need to maintain the property to the desired standards, but you are also building up equity in your house, helping you avoid some of the pitfalls. 

Use Rent-To-Own Agreements

Sometimes, landlords will allow you to enter into rent-to-own agreements. These schemes see part of your rent go to building equity in the property over time. This option is ideal for landlords who want to exit a position, but don’t want to kick you out. This approach lets you pay them extra for the equity in their property over time, eventually turning it into yours. 

So there you have it: some of the landlord-busting strategies you can use to get your own back. Use these when you can’t see a future beyond renting.

Ways To Take The Stress Out Of Renting

Renting can be an amazing option for a lot of people who want to get out into the world and live independently. It’s more accessible than trying to buy a house and you don’t have to worry about nearly as many fees. Not only that but it offers you plenty of flexibility if you’re looking to move around or find somewhere new. That being said, it’s certainly not all fun and games. The truth is that renting can be incredibly stressful sometimes. With that in mind, here are some things that you can do in order to take the stress out of renting, at least a little bit.

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Find somewhere long-term

One of the most common issues that a lot of people have with renting a home is that they often end up feeling as though they’re living their lives in ten-minute chunks. They end up having to renew their lease over and over again and with that comes the fear that you’re not going to be able to renew it and you’ll have to find somewhere else to live. One of the best ways to deal with this is to find somewhere like Glamour Apartments that specializes in long-term rentals. That way you get all of the benefits of renting with an added sense of stability and security.    

Get on good terms with your landlord

The kind of relationship that you have with your landlord can make a huge difference to how much you enjoy renting your home. If they’re helpful and look after you then it can be a dream, but if they’re useless, it can more like a nightmare. From broken appliances to leaking pipes, your landlord is the one who should be taking responsibility for those things, and the best way to ensure that they’re dealt with in a timely manner is to get on good terms with them so that they’re more likely to go out of their way to help you.

Take photos of everything

Here’s the thing, even if they’re lovely people, landlords and estate agents are trying to get as much money out of you as possible. This means that when the time comes to leave, they will find any excuse to drain money out of your deposit before giving it back to you. The best way to ensure that you’re not blamed for something in the house that wasn’t your fault or was already there when you moved in is to take photos of every corner of the property on the day you arrive. That way you have clear evidence that anything wrong with the place isn’t your fault.

Of course, if you’re really sick of renting then trying to buy your own home is always something to look into. Sure, that might not be something you can do right now, but planning for the future is one of the very best ways that you can start turning your goals into a reality. Sure, there’s a lot of stress that comes with buying and owning your own home, but a lot of people tend to find that the benefits significantly outweigh the drawbacks. http://credit-n.ru/zaymyi-next.html

Ways to Save for a Mortgage Deposit

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Buying your first home is a big step, and if you want to avoid falling into the trap of forever renting, there are several things you can do which will speed up the saving process. Here is a quick guide to get out of rented accommodation and to saving for a house deposit.

Whether you are looking to buy a luxury Meriton apartment or a simple two-storey home, it is likely that you won’t be able to save much money if you are renting. If you feel that you can sacrifice your personal space so that you can save, there are a few options for you.

One option is to move back in with your parents for a little while. However, only do this if you get on well with your parents and live close to them. If moving in with them will add another hour or so to your work commute, it’s hardly worth it more the extra travel expenses. Talk to them about how much you will stay, what you will contribute towards rent and how you will help out around the house.

It is also possible to sub-let your spare room and get a lodger. This will help subsidize the cost of your home and allow you to gain control of your finances and save for a deposit. Before you start searching for a new flatmate to move in, you will need to talk to your current landlord and see if they are happy with what you are planning. They may agree to either of the following options:

  • Advertise commercially for a new housemate and reduce your rent
  • Allow you to advertise and sub-let the spare room in your rented accommodation

Either way, you will be saving money on your rent and able to put more away. Be strong, and remember that this extra cash isn’t supposed to be for extra fun and set up a direct debit to go straight into your savings.

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If neither of the above are options for you, it’s probably time for you to look for a cheaper place to live. Ask around and see if any of your friends have a spare room that they are willing to rent out for a few months – remember to talk to them about rent, bills and what you will do around the house before agreeing to anything. If you have no friends with a spare room, then there are loads of websites available which advertise rooms in shared houses, such as:

A house share will be much cheaper than renting a house or apartment all by yourself, as you will be splitting the cost of the house between several people. This should enable you the wiggle room to save more money and, eventually, put a deposit down for your own home!

It can be difficult moving into someone else’s space and living with them, especially if they are family or close friends and you are used to living alone. Remember that they are probably feeling the tension too, so do your best to help around the house and not make a mess!