
10 Limiting Beliefs About Money

Our beliefs are the cornerstone of our experience. What we believe decides our actions which in turn lead to our results. But where do these beliefs come from and are they true?

Many of our limiting beliefs about money come from childhood before the age of 7. At that time we are hyper vigilant to the world around us and the influences from parents, caregivers and what we see or hear on TV.

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

Picture the scene, you are staying up late with your parents watching a film or soap on TV. The rich guy is nearly always the villain, selfish, greedy and probably has criminal tendencies. The wealthy family is dysfunctional with rebellious kids and partners cheating on each other. The portrayal of wealthy people is nearly always negative, so too is the likely reaction of those watching. Particularly if young and vulnerable to external influences.

Subconsciously we accept these images and scenes as ‘normal’ and overtime, with repetition, they form our beliefs, for example that rich people are greedy or bad in some way. A consequence of which is that in our young minds we make a decision that this is not the path for us.

“We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience.”

–Louise L. Hay

At some point as adults we can learn to challenge these limiting beliefs about money and realise that what we took in as a child is either not true or questionable to say the least.

When we believe something to be true we look for evidence to support it. we need to be ‘right’ to feel good. So if we have a limiting belief that money only comes through hard work we will scan our experience to support that view. For example for a teenager maybe a summer job picking fruit was ‘hard work’ and resulted in getting more money than they were used to. Or working evenings in a restaurant, or Saturday on their feet all day as a shop assistant.

Each validation of the belief acts to strengthen it. Just as placing legs under a table top makes it more stable and likely to endure. 3 legs or more are ‘wobbly’ but bring 4, 6, 8 or more and that table is rock solid.

The trick to explosing that belief is to remove the legs from under the table. Chalneging these beliefs can take some time but can be achieved with a little patience and desire.

So for example if we believe that ‘money is the root of all evil’ here is a questioning technique to work through.

Step 1: Write the limiting belief down. Play detective and follow your thoughts and emotions to discover the limiting beliefs that hold you back. Put them on paper and stare them in the face! You might note how strong each belief is and what emotions they elicit in you.

Step 2: Acknowledge that these are beliefs, not truths! This is often the hardest step. “But, but, my limitations are real!” Here’s the place where choice comes in. Which are you more interested in: defending your limitations to the death or achieving your goals and desires? As author Evelyn Waugh wrote, “When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.” You can choose.

Step 3: Try on a different belief. Use your imagination and try on a belief that is aligned with what you want. It might be something like, “My financial difficulties in the past have taught me so much that I’m fully prepared to handle them now!” Or, “The more money I have, the more good I can achieve in the world”

The trick is to go beyond just saying it. You want to really step into this new belief and feel how it feels. Done thoroughly, Steps 2 and 3 will go a long way to dismantling your old limiting beliefs about money or anything else.

Step 4: Take different action. This might feel a little scary, but it’s time to act as if your new belief is true. In other words, if you really are capable and have learned a tremendous amount from past financial difficulties, what steps would you take?  What would you do differently now?

The infographic below comes courtesy of T Harv Eker and may help you look at your limiting beliefs about money in a different way.

Changing limiting beliefs about money. Infographic from T Harv Eker

What the Schools Will Never Teach You: 3 Well-Kept Secrets to Financial Success

When it comes to Money, Lifestyle and finance, in general, there are lots of financial secrets you may never find in theories, especially in schools- these secrets are financial hacks you must unlock yourself. How will you feel, finding yourself in huge student debt, after spending thousands on college or university and still unable to learn one of the biggest lessons of life? Here are some well-kept secrets to financial success that your schools may never teach you.

What the Schools Will Never Teach You: 3 Well-Kept Secrets to Financial Success - success visualisation image

Visualizing Your future is a Great Path to Financial Success

Some financial experts have been able to carry out a thorough investigation on how your financial success can become a manifestation, through continuous visualization. When you visualize, you become clear of your goals and begin to see yourself living in the future already. Many business and finance students are under-utilizing the tool of visualization but if you actually want financial growth, see yourself as of now in that very successful position.

When you see yourself in that financial success right now, you begin to attract individuals and new leads that will drive you towards achieving that dream- this is the simple law of attraction that no school will ever teach you.

There are Many Other Income Streams Besides the Regular White-collar Job

When you are growing up, your mind and brain will be conditioned towards studying hard in school, getting a good grade and landing a job in a company that pays well. The school will also teach you to do everything it takes to climb the corporate ladder, and then save money to become richer.

Most schools wouldn’t want to mention individuals who do not follow these stereotypical routines to become rich. as an adult, you are now beginning to realize that there are several other ways to make money and you even wished you have discovered these opportunities earlier on. The simple truth is that having multiple streams of income aside your regular job is the key to huge financial success. A side business makes you feel like a boss, aside from generating extra money for you.

There is a Correlation Between Emotion and Money

When you are in school, you may be hardly taught about the psychology of spending. When you become an adult, you learn the hard way that our emotions and spending are intertwined. You will hardly find teens and young adults who can control their emotions especially when they see things they like. Becoming a financial success has a lot to do with being financially disciplined. This means you should rather spend on what you need and not your wants.

In conclusion, you need to understand that money is a tool that you need to work with if you truly want to become financially successful. You need to re-educate yourself when it comes to making your money work for you. With the help of a financial advisor, there are several ways through which you can make your money work for you as a tool in order to become financially successful.


Decoding The Law Of Attraction According To Principles Of Mentalism

Decoding The Law Of Attraction According To Principles Of Mentalism - statue of praying Budha image

Saying that the universe is a big place would be an understatement of epic proportions. Regardless, there are proven laws that govern how it works. The universe at first glance is tangible and purely physical. It has matter which we can see and touch and is governed by physical laws postulated by learned people. This on the outset seems simple.

However, science has a way of metamorphosing as time goes on. Take the geocentric theory of the universe put forward by several philosophers, for example. This stated that the Earth was the center of all the universe. Of course, we know now that this is not true and the solar system is heliocentric (orbiting the sun).

Similarly, we are slowly but surely drawing to the conclusion that the universe is a mental construct made up of thoughts and emotions rather than being just physical.

Reality is Consciousness

Consciousness creates reality – this is one of the more important theories of our time. Although this is nothing new or path-breaking, it has just been gathering steam in recent times. Famous physicists like Max Planck, Eugene Wigner, and Sir James Jeans have gone on record stating that “the universe without consciousness is something that just wouldn’t work”.

There are even experiments that illustrate how your consciousness shapes the reality appearing to you. The quantum double-slit experiment is one example of how your consciousness affects the material world. The result of this experiment was that scientists were able to affect the outcome just through observation. This is tangible proof that mental powers can indeed impact matter on a physical plane.

Principle Of Mentalism

The mind is a powerful device which is potent in its ability to manifest thoughts into reality. This is the foundation on which the theory of mentalism is built on.

The Principle of Mentalism is one of the 7 principles from the book The Kybalion – Hermetic Philosophy which is about the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. This is the first principle from the teachings and arguably the one that is significantly more important than the following ones.

The Principle of Mentalism according to The Kybalion is the idea that “All is Mind” – everything that happens does so as a result of your mental state. Basically, the mind is an all-powerful entity which controls every facet of your existence.

The Law Of Attraction

Decoding The Law Of Attraction According To Principles Of Mentalism - law of attraction image

The law of attraction states that any person has the ability to attract what they focus on with enough mental clout. This effect is above age, religion, or place of birth. This is also considered a universal law – meaning it purports itself to be a governing force within our reality.

This is another significant idea which also has its foundation on the untapped strength of the human mind. Whatever you see in your mind’s eye can manifest your reality – so you need to keep your thoughts positive and in the zone where you want to be.

The law of attraction was first taught to man by Buddha who said that “what you have become is what you have thought”. Another aspect of the law of attraction is that you get what you give out to the world. While you might not have known it as explicitly named so, there are several times when we have encountered it in our lives. To find out more about manifesting with the law of attraction here is a great guide.

Principle Of Mentalism and Law Of Attraction

There are several things that overlap between the two ideologies. So much so that some people believe that they are just different packaging with the same idea inside them. They aren’t quite the same but are built on a common foundation that mental powers fuel reality. If you think good things, you will get good things – this is straightforward enough.

According to the Principles of Mentalism, the Laws of Attraction check out – if you put your mind to it, you can and usually will achieve what you want. There are lots of resources that prove people who remain positive in times of stress have generally better health.

What we need to do at our end is to make sure that we are focused and ready to accept the positives that are about to happen to us. The important concept here is that you need to visualize yourself overcoming obstacles and getting to your goal.

In summary

The law of attraction has worked, and there are several people who have made their millions based on this. The most important thing these celebrities teach us through their interviews is that they too had to start someplace, far away from where they were now. A lot of them talk about the method of visualization as a prime factor to get what they want from life. It is important to “know” that you are a success before you hit the big time and eventually you’ll land up on the red carpet.


These Quick Hacks Will Change Your Financial Situation Like Magic

If you want to do something about your financial situation, you’re not powerless. There’s always something you can do to improve your situation, all it takes is a new frame of mind and a can-do attitude. Below, we have some quick hacks that will help you to change your financial situation as if by magic. Take a look:

Develop A Better Money Mindset

Start by working on your money mindset. Your thoughts and attitude surrounding money will make a huge difference to how much of it you have, how you spend it, the financial opportunities that come to you, and more. How do you go about changing your mindset? First of all, you need to assess any limiting beliefs you have about money. We usually pick these up from childhood, and without realizing it they can seriously affect our adult financial situation. For example, some people think they are not deserving of money, that they will never have enough money, that money is evil, etc. Being able to overcome these beliefs is crucial. You can also try affirmations, visualizations, and techniques such as tapping to change your beliefs. There are lots of free resources out there that you can use!

The more positive you think and feel about money, the more you’ll be able to change your money mindset for the better.

These Quick Hacks Will Change Your Financial Situation Like Magic - coins image


Come Up With A Plan For Your Future

By coming up with a plan for your future, you’ll actually be able to set yourself goals and work out the baby steps you’ll need to take to reach those goals. If you don’t have a plan or goals, then you’re just going to meander aimlessly along, and chances are, you’re going to waste your money on superficial things that won’t give you any real long term joy.

Whatever your future plans, it’s always a good idea to have an emergency fund, just in case. You can look at companies like https://www.creditraters.com for help if you don’t have an emergency fund but you need cash in a pinch. Just bear in mind that it’s always better to have some money saved up.

Take A Look At Your Budget

If you don’t have a budget, now is the time to put one together. Figure out how much money you’re spending and making each month and where you can save. For example, you could take a packed lunch to work, cancel subscriptions you don’t really use, change utility suppliers, and more. Start using the envelope method for your budget if you like; this can make it easier for you to see exactly how much money you have available for certain things, such as your food shopping.

Think About A Purchase For A Month Before Splashing Out

Before making impulse purchases, you should think about them carefully, or you might end up with a bunch of things that you don’t really use. Avoid the urge to spend right away and wait for a month before buying and you might find you forget all about the thing you really wanted to buy. Money and space saved! http://credit-n.ru/zaymi-listing.html

Prosperity or Poverty Consciousness?

I notThe Financial Fairy Tales - Teaching Kids about Money imageiced very clearly when I finally began to attract more money into my life that I had trouble keeping it. The more money I had flowing in, the more unexpected bills and events I had occurring that kept taking that money straight back out again.

I found ‘money drainers’ coming to me from all directions. The washing machine broke down, library books missing, a tooth cracked in half and I needed a crown, videos were always late, I had a little accident in my car, the dishwasher kept jamming, the clothes dryer stopped heating, the stereo blew up and even the Department of Social Security (welfare dept.) decided they’d overpaid me about five years earlier and I owed them around $7000!
As the flow coming in increased – it grew ever bigger going out! So I was still broke.

Do you have that challenge when you seem to make more, but then more bills and debts start mounting up? This is where your comfort zone comes into play.

When I realised my money was flowing out just as fast as it was flowing in, even though I had far more than I’d ever had before, I began to study what makes people LOSE all that money after they win the lottery, and what makes Millionaires MAKE all that money after they go bankrupt.
I wanted to know why some people attracted money easily, and some people worked hard but struggled financially all their life. Although it took a lot of time (and plenty of money – aahh, more debt!), I discovered some very interesting facts.

Your level of prosperity is determined by two things that you are probably blissfully unaware of! The first is whether you are programmed for poverty or prosperity, and the second is what your comfort zone around money currently is. Now the first part, your prosperity or poverty consciousness around money, can be a little bit sneaky. Your mind or brain is a complex and wondrous tool but, like any tool, it can be used or misused. It’s very much like a computer – it acts as a data storage and feedback device.
The problem is, on a conscious level you may desire money, love the idea of being rich and get excited about your financial freedom, but on a subconscious level, something is undermining your chance to live a life of richness – something you’re probably unaware of.
Much of your data input began long before you had any say in what you wanted to believe. Through the teachings, casual comments and general conversation of your parents, friends, school, religion, community, media etc. data is stored in your mind. That data then becomes your own thoughts, opinions and beliefs, unless you make the conscious effort to change them.
For instance, how often did you hear some of the following statements when you were growing up, like I did, and how often do you hear those same words coming out of your own mouth?

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees (actually you CAN cultivate your own money tree and I love showing how it’d done)
  • It takes money to make money (well, yes and no, a little money can get you started, but it doesn’t have to be your own money – plus most of my business I’ve started with a minus bank account!)
  • Money can’t buy happiness (let me tell you from first hand experience, it’s a heck of a lot more fun having money than NOT having money!)
  • Money doesn’t come easy (it can if you let it)
  • You have to work hard for your money (not in this day and age)
  • We can’t afford it (it’s better to think, ‘How can we afford it?’)
  • Don’t be greedy (there is NOTHING wrong with wanting more – the more you have, the more you can help yourself, family, friends and others)
  • Filthy rich, stinking rich (I LOVE the scent of money!)
  • How did they get so much money? They must be dealing drugs (there are thousands of ethical, legitimate ways to create wealth and I love showing others how to do it)
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer (can be the opposite if they begin thinking differently)
  • Money is the root of all evil (it’s actually ‘the worship of money is the root of all evil’, and I personally believe it’s the lack of money which is the root of all evil)

We travel through life having adopted OTHER people’s beliefs and, as I said before, often don’t even realise what our subconscious or ‘default’ is running on.

For instance, my family was not rich as I was growing up, but we were by no means poor either. We had to go without now and again but always seemed to have enough and lived quite comfortably. I would have thought I had a prosperity consciousness.

My mum and dad lived on a mountain – not an enormously big mountain, but a mountain none-the-less and they drove up and down that mountain every day. I remember my daughter coming home from their place a few years ago and telling me how it was really scary in the car with Nana and Pop because “When Pop gets to the top of the mountain, he turns the car off and rolls down the hill”. And let me tell you, he’s not doing that because he enjoys the thrill of not having total control; he’s doing it to save money on petrol! I’d totally forgotten my Dad did that, and it suddenly became clear to me; I realised that my family had a true poverty consciousness, and whether or not I was aware of it, it would be running in my subconscious too.

But wait…there’s more! A few months ago I dropped my little Landrover Freelander into the service centre near my house, and because I needed to be somewhere by a certain time I asked my Dad if he could pick me up, which he happily did. As we were driving along we got to the traffic lights, which were red, and stopped. Guess what Dad did – he turned the engine OFF! And the worst part of all was, my parents had an absolute bomb of a car. The brakes were almost shot, you usually had to try at least two or three times before it would actually start, and as you were driving along, everything that could shake and rattle did!

It was the sort of car where you couldn’t be sure if the engine would ever start again. It wasn’t the sort of car you wanted to be turning off in the middle of peak hour traffic – you could be stuck there for the next few hours!
One year when Mum and Dad came over on Christmas Day, I made them find their present through a rhyming treasure hunt. They had to work out through each little rhyme where to find the next clue until finally it led them to their present. I designed the hunt so it took them into each room and past the presents the kids had received for Christmas so they could show off all their goodies! Mum and Dad followed the trail, and as they got near the end, they found some car seat covers under the big palm tree out the front of our house. When they were opening that present my daughter gave them one last rhyme that said something like, “Oh yes of course, it is so true, look around for the colour blue” (I’m not a poet as you can see). Then I handed them a set of car keys tied with a big red ribbon.

Mum looked at the keys and thought I wanted her to get something blue out of the boot of my car. We prompted them to ‘look around’ and as Mum and Dad both looked around, it took a couple of moments for it to actually sink in that these were the keys to their new blue car which I’d parked across the road. And when it did, believe me, I thought my mum was going to pass out – she couldn’t breathe and started sobbing uncontrollably. And Dad, who does NOT cry, even had to wipe his eyes.

Mum and Dad were the talk of their retirement resort. They said it was “Like we’d won the lottery”. Word spread like wildfire and they had people coming to congratulate them and take a peek at their new car for the next month!

This is why you want to be RICH; this is why you want to create financial freedom; this is why you want to be Wildly Wealthy – because it’s FUN!  So start to change the conversation in YOUR mind through the many processes shared in my book How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST or jump on a live teleseminar with me to create a prosperity consciousness, and you’ll begin to attract MORE abundance into your life.

 “Excerpt from How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST by Prosperity mentor Sandy Forster who shows women around the world how to create success and abundance in their business and life. Get your FREE Audio “Top 10 Tips for Prosperity” at www.WildlyWealthy.com