When a loved one dies, some of us may expect to inherit money. This could be money tied up in property or funds in a bank. Some of us struggle to know what to do with this inheritance – should you invest it, and if so where? Below are just a few tips on how to handle money that you have inherited.

Don’t spend it all straight away
There’s nothing stopping you from splashing all the money straight away. After all, it’s your money. However, you may want to consider all the choices that you have rather than splurging half of it on an impulsive shopping spree. It could be money to spend on travel or it could be money to spend on a down payment on a home. Compare all your options before spending your money.
Find out if you have to pay tax on your inheritance
In the case of large amounts of money, you may have to pay inheritance tax. The exception is money that was given to you before your loved one died – this could be money left in a trust or even a property that was transferred over to your name before your loved one passed away. If the money is liable for tax, it could be important that you pay this tax first before spending it all.
Prioritise paying off your debts
If you have debts, it could be sensible to pay these off with your inheritance. It may not be as exciting as using the money for other purposes, but it will save you a lot of money in the future, possibly giving you a lot more disposable income to use. Paying off debts could be particularly necessary if you’re falling behind on payments or it’s affecting your credit score.
Get professional advice when investing
There are many ways you can invest your inheritance from savings accounts to stocks and shares. It could be worth getting professional advice using a service such as Equilibrium so that you can find the best place to invest these funds. After all, you don’t want to gamble away this money or put it in the wrong saver where it may only accumulate minimal interest.
Give money to family and friends
There may be family members and friends that can benefit from the money you’ve inherited. For instance, you may have kids that you can give the money to. If there was conflict within your family, realise that some people may have been deliberately left out of a loved one’s will – if you share your money with these people, realise that it may be going against your loved one’s wishes. That said, it is your decision how you spend your money.
Consider giving some to charity
If you’ve inherited a lot of money, you may feel like giving some to charity. This could be a charitable cause that you feel strongly about or a cause that affected your deceased loved one (a great way of honouring them). Take your time to compare charities that are out there using sites like Charity Choice. You may even consider setting up your own charity if you inherited a particularly large amount of money.
Take a look at the infographic below which has some great data and suggestions courtesy of Annuity.org