Being unemployed can be extremely stressful in many ways, but it is fair to say that money worries are at the top of the list.
If you are out of work right now, or you simply want to plan should you ever experience unemployment in the future, here are a few tips that can help you to survive (and be less stressed) financially:
Depending on where you are located, you may be entitled to various government unemployment benefits that will help to keep you afloat when you are out of work. Local government sites are usually the best places to find information about this kind of thing, so be sure to check them and apply for any financial assistance you may be able to access.
If you are out of work because you have been injured, if it was not your fault, you may also be able to claim compensation, and finding an injury lawyer with the qualities you need to make your case would be sensible. If you are entitled to money, then right now you need to do everything you can to access it.
2. Draw up a budget
When you’re out of work and your income has dropped, it is even more important than ever that you draw up a budget that clearly outlines all of your incomings and outgoings. Once you know what you have coming in and going out each month, go through everything to see if there are any areas you can cut down on. Ending subscriptions you don’t need or use, switching to a cheaper utility provider, and shopping at a cheaper grocery store are all simple changes you can make that will help to keep you afloat, but there are many more to consider too.
It’s not always easy to find, but if you can try to look for a part-time role, temporary contract or even a few freelancing gigs, this will really help to take the pressure off. Sure, it might not be a secure job in your chosen industry, but it will help you tide you over. The gig economy is pretty strong right now, so it could be the ideal solution while you apply for something more permanent.
4. Declutter your home
If, like most people, you have accumulated a lot of stuff. Much of which you do not need, over the years, then selling some of it to tide you over is sensible. Just don’t sell anything that is actually useful to you because you will just end up having to buy it back eventually and the temporary cash injection will not be as beneficial. Selling locally is typically a better idea than using sites like eBay because you can shit stuff faster and you don’t have to pay any fees, but eBay is fine if you don’t have an easier way.
Surviving unemployment can be tricky, but hopefully, these ideas will make it, at least, a little easier for you.
Claiming benefits of different kinds will help you to maintain an income that supports you and your family. There are some benefits that you might claim when you are out of work, but also many benefits that are available to people in work. When you are claiming any kind of benefit, you’re sure to want to make the most of the money that you receive. It can be very helpful to have that money coming in, but it’s often not enough for you to feel as if you can live comfortably. If you are in receipt of any benefits or think that maybe you should be, there are various ways that you can make the most of them.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Check You’re Receiving the Right Benefits
The first thing you should do is check which benefits you might be entitled to. There are many different benefits and tax credits, and they are even overseen by different governmental departments. This means that it can all get quite complicated, and you might be unsure which benefits you could have access to. The best thing to do is to use a benefits calculator, which you can find online, or get advice from an advice agency. Citizens Advice is one useful resource that you might find beneficial.
There are several different circumstances that could mean you are able to get help. You might be able to claim benefits if you are disabled or the carer of a disabled person. If you are a parent, you can look into child benefit and child tax credits. If you are not working or have a low income, you may also be eligible for some help. Other circumstances could make a difference too. For example, if you live alone, you can claim a discount on your council tax bill. If you are an older person, you might be eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment.
Claim Benefits While Working
The various benefits that are available aren’t only for people who are out of work. If you are working but still need help with money, you might be able to top your income up in various ways. Some benefits are based on how many hours you work or on your income. For example, you may be able to claim Universal Credit if you are on a low income, or you may be able to claim “new style” Job Seeker’s Allowance if you work less than 16 hours per week. Universal Credit has replaced some benefits for most people. For example, it has replaced Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.
Other benefits available for those in or out of work include Child Benefit. Child Benefit is available for children under age 16 or under 20 and in education or training. However, some of it may need to be paid back if the claimant or their partner earns over £50,000 per year. If you are pregnant, you might also be able to access the Sure Start Maternity Grant if you already receive other benefits, and you are expecting either your first child or a multiple birth.
Know How to Manage Your Benefits
When you receive benefits, it’s also very beneficial for you to understand how they work and how you can manage them. This isn’t always easy, but it’s often necessary to avoid getting caught out. Not only will it help you to know what you’re entitled to and what your rights are, but it will prevent you from accidentally spending overpayments and make sure you know what to do if any of your benefits are stopped. It’s important to know how you can manage your benefits, for example through using an online account, as well as who you need to inform if you ever have a change in your circumstances. You should know who to contact if you ever have an issue or need to query any decisions.
Appealing a Decision
Sometimes you might apply for a certain type of benefit, and your application might be rejected, or you might be awarded less than you think you are entitled to. When this happens, you might need to appeal the decision. Before you can appeal, you need to ask for your decision to be looked at again. This is known as a mandatory reconsideration. Within one month of receiving this, you will need to appeal to the Social Security and Child Support Tribunal. After submitting an appeal, you can provide evidence, and the appeal will be decided at a tribunal hearing.
Avoid Overpayments
One issue to be aware of with many types of benefit is overpayments. If you are accidentally overpaid, you will be required to repay the money. An overpayment might occur because you haven’t told the relevant body about a change in your circumstances. It could also happen due to a mistake by the other party. However, if you receive any overpayments, you need to correct the issue as soon as possible. This is why it’s also important to know how much money you should be getting and when. It will allow you to notice when you might be paid too much and question the amount.
Photo by Chaowat Rittizin from Pexels
Understand How Income and Savings Affect Your Benefits
It’s also necessary for anyone who receives benefits to understand how your income and savings will affect your benefits. If your income rises or drops, it could mean the amount you receive in benefits changes. Even having savings can make a difference to what you are entitled to. If you have savings of up to £6,000 (or £10,000 if you are over state pension age), it won’t affect any claims. If you have savings between £6,000 and £16,000, everything above the lower amount is treated as a monthly income of £4.35 for each £250. If you have more than £16,000 in savings, you won’t be entitled to any benefits affected by savings.
Create a Budget
Having a budget is always helpful, but it can be especially useful if you receive any benefits. A good budget will help you to make sure that everything you receive is put to work, and that all of your essential expenses are covered. It can be worth spending some time looking at your essential outgoings, including rent, utility bills, food, clothes, and anything else that you need to pay for day-to-day. When you create a budget, it can help you to find the different ways you might be able to save money. You will get a clear picture of the money you have coming in and going out.
Get Help with Home and Transport Costs
There are many ways you can access help with various expenses at home and transport costs. For example, the Winter Fuel Payment can help you with energy bills during the cold winter months. Another way you might be able to get help is through the various transport schemes. If you receive the higher rate PIP or DLA payment, you can use it for the Pentagon Motability Scheme or similar. There are also railcards and bus passes, for example for disabled people and pensioners. You might need to be receiving other types of benefit to access some of these schemes.
Photo by Natasha Spencer from Pexels
Benefit from Free NHS Services (Dentist, Optician, Prescriptions, Etc.)
When you are receiving some types of benefit, you might be eligible for free health care when you otherwise would have to pay. For example, if you are receiving some types of low-income benefits, you don’t have to pay for dental treatment with an NHS dentist. You can also access free eye tests, as well as free prescriptions. It’s important to note that the criteria are different for people receiving Universal Credit. To be eligible for help with healthcare costs, you need to have had no earnings or had net earnings of £435 or less in your last assessment period, or £935 or less, depending on your circumstances.
Look for Discounts and Concessions
Receiving certain benefits, or the reason you receive those benefits could also help you to access discounts in other areas too. For example, many venues or shops will offer discounts or concession prices to disabled people and their carers or to people on low incomes. One example is that many arts venues want to encourage people from lower-income backgrounds to attend performances and exhibitions, and so offer discounted prices to make it possible for more people to attend.
Find Other Services Your Benefits Will Help You to Access
You may also find that your benefits entitlement can help you to access other services if you need them. This can include being able to attend a food bank, for example, if you need an emergency food package. You might be able to access grants from charitable trusts to help with other expenses, such as your utility bills. There are various organisations that are not run by the government, but that do offer their services to people receiving benefits. You can even get help with vet treatment from PDSA.
Make the most of the benefits that you receive by educating yourself and getting a good understanding of the benefits system. Once you know what you should be receiving, you can plan to spend it wisely.