It is quite simply remarkable how the world is progressing. Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace. It is crazy to think about how the world may be ten years from now. Will your pint of milk be delivered by robots? Will your local dealership by selling flying cars? Will your vacation be a trip to Jupiter? Ok, so maybe those examples are a little bit farfetched. However, one innovation you may experience is an online electric vehicle.

Car Innovation
This is the latest car technology you should be keeping an eye out for. Therefore, whilst Fox Hayes and other dealers may not sell flying cars anytime soon, they may have their hand in online electric vehicles. This is a concept that was only developed in 2010 and has gone from strength-to-strength. Therefore, the progression of online electric vehicles is certainly worth keeping an eye out for.
What is an “online electric vehicle”?
An online electric vehicle can also be abbreviated as an OLEV. Therefore, if you see this shortened version then you know it relates to the same concept. In a nutshell, an online electric vehicle is an electric vehicle yet it differs because it utilises electromagnetic induction. This is a term a lot of you may not be familiar with, and thus to understand an online electric vehicle you need to understand what electromagnetic induction is.
What is electromagnetic induction?
This process involves utilising a conductor across varying magnetic fields. The aim is to create the production of differing voltage. Therefore in the grand scheme of things, this is a theory that revolves around the reaction between an electric circuit and a magnetic field. The outcome will be an electromotive force, also known as an EMF. This force is the voltage that will drive the car forward. This is a theory and a concept that can actually be dated back as far as 1831. However, the theory is one that is only recently being applied to vehicles. The application of electromagnetic induction was pumped into the generator and alike.
The unsuccessful history of the online electric vehicle
As is the case for most inventions, there have been failed attempts before. There are several individuals who attempted to use the electromagnetic induction theory in vehicles before but have not succeeded in doing so. Many, many years a patent was granted for the online electric tramcar. However, in this case, it was not the fact that it did not succeed, it was simply that it never saw the development process. Moreover, approximately 20 years ago or so, the attempt to create an online electric vehicle occurred, yet was unsuccessful because harmful electromagnetic radiation emitted. And as you know; if a product is not safe then it cannot be released.