Moving countries can be both exhilarating and daunting. While the call of adventure and a new life is exciting there is some serious preparation and hard work that goes into making the transition from one country to another successful.
Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, you will need to consider your visa options. Every country has a different set of rules and requirements when it comes to visas and in order to be granted temporary or permanent residence in a country, you will need the appropriate visa to do so. Obtaining a visa can be a complex procedure that requires a lot of skill to complete correctly and to avoid having your application refused. If you are looking to emigrate it is always advised that you consult with immigration experts from your potential host country. This is now particularly prevalent in countries such as the UK following the UK’s decision to leave the EU. Whether an EU or global citizen if you are looking to emigrate to the UK then it is recommended you consult UK immigration lawyers when applying for your visa. You will also want to ensure that your visa grants you the rights you need, whether it be to work, study or stay indefinitely, seeking advice is paramount.

When moving countries it is equally important that you are aware of your tax liabilities. Moving countries will make you a tax resident in your new country and is likely to mean that you have different tax obligations to meet. This can get particularly complex if you are selling property in different countries or receiving an income from a different country. There may also be other implications. If for example, you are a UK national leaving the UK and therefore your tax obligations this could affect your entitlement to your state pension. It is always best to consult with the experts to avoid any unforeseen complications. Furthermore, seeking advice is key to ensuring you do not overpay or underpay on your tax requirements.
Once you have considered and researched your right stay and the requirement to pay tax you should then consider your access to healthcare. Every country has a different system when it comes to healthcare and you need to be familiar with what you can expect from your new home. The UK is one of the few countries that provide state healthcare but if you are emigrating to somewhere such as the USA or Australia you may need to take out private healthcare insurance to protect yourself from unwelcome medical bills. What is more, taking out private healthcare may be a requirement of your visa. You will need to thoroughly research the healthcare system before undertaking your move.
One final big consideration you will need to look into is your ability to drive in your new country. Particularly if you rely on a car daily. Some countries have mutual agreements in which you can exchange your national licence for that of your new country, whereas others may require you to pass their driving test. A working example of this is that since the UK has left the EU UK nationals looking to reside in Spain no longer have the right to drive and are required to pass a Spanish driving test.