
Can You Afford To Buy Your First Home?

For the longest time, buying a home was one of those things that was just sort of treated as an expected part of life. It was up there with a career, a marriage, and all of the other things that make up the stereotypical path of someone’s life. Of course, as time has gone on these things have become less and less necessary to live a happy life but when it comes to buying a home, something else has happened. There are just as many people who would love to buy a home as before, but it’s become more and more difficult. The reality is that with house prices constantly going up and wages stagnating, many people end up feeling as though the idea of actually being able to buy a home is little more than a fantasy. But is that actually the case? Of course not! The truth is that it’s still entirely possible to buy a house, even if it’s not as easy as it once was. You’ve just got to be prepared to put in the effort to understand the process, and make sure that your finances are in the right position to do it. With that in mind, here are just a few things to consider when trying to figure out if you can afford to buy your first home.

The mortgage

Can You Afford To Buy Your First Home? - growing money in jars image
Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

The most obvious thing that comes to mind when people are thinking about buying their first home is the process of getting a mortgage. After all, unless you happen to be extremely lucky, you’re very likely not going to be in a position to buy a home outright. (If you are then what are you doing reading this?!) The issue for a lot of people is that the process of getting a mortgage can be rather scary and complex. After all, you often end up having to wade through stacks of paper with all kinds of confusing clauses and small print. Not only that but your success in actually applying for a mortgage can often depend on a number of factors. Before you start, it’s best to get pre-approved before you start house hunting; check out this guide for more information on managing that as it can be tricky. Using something like a home loan eligibility calculator is a great first step in checking to see what kind of mortgage you may be able to take out. That way, you can figure out any potential changes that you might need to be able to buy a home and what it could end up costing you in the long term.

The deposit

One of the biggest barriers to a lot of people’s ability to buying a home is very likely to be the deposit. For many people over the years, they’ve been able to buy a home with incredibly small deposits that made buying a home and getting a mortgage a whole lot more accessible. This is something that has become even more pronounced in the era of COVID-19. Where previous generations might have been able to get a home with a 1% or 2% deposit, there are many lenders who won’t accept less than a 10% deposit in the current era. When you combine that with the rising house prices then it’s clear that being able to afford a deposit is a much bigger challenge than before. However, just because something’s a challenge doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. The key is to start putting money aside as soon as possible. If buying a home is something that you’re really committed to then every spare bit of money that you have should be put away. Find new ways to budget to allow you to save more and every bit of extra cash that comes in should go in the pile. It isn’t necessarily going to be a fast process, but it’s the only way to really afford a deposit in the current era.

The fees

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Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

It often comes as something of a nasty surprise to a lot of people when they realise just how many fees are involved in the process of buying a home. If you’re not aware of the fees that come with buying your first home then you could end up in some serious trouble. You have to consider mortgage fees, a valuation fee, a survey fee, a potential broker fee, your solicitors fee, and a whole lot more. Now, most of the time these are things that you will be taken through at the start of the process but you need to be aware of these kinds of fees well in advance so that you don’t go into the process assuming that you can afford a home when you simply can’t.

Your credit rating

As strange as it might sound, it’s not just a matter of having the money and actually being able to afford a home, you also need to be able to demonstrate that you can afford the payments in the long term. The way that this is calculated is through your credit rating. If you have a poor credit rating then it won’t matter whether you have the money for a deposit or not. Things like paying off your credit cards on time and making any loan payments in full is the best way to ensure that your credit rating is always in the best possible shape.

The truth is, while it is absolutely possible to afford to buy your first home, it would be a mistake to assume that it’s something that’s going to be easy to do. A home is likely to be the most expensive purchase you ever make and that’s not something that you should take lightly. If you want to buy a home then you’ve got to be willing to think ahead. It’s the kind of thing that you need to plan for and make changes in your life if you want to be able to afford it. The mistake that a lot of people make is that they assume that they can’t buy a home when what they actually mean is that they can’t buy a home “right now.” By planning ahead, managing your finances, and working towards a goal, you’re going to be in a far better position to buy your first home regardless of your personal circumstances.

How To Leave The Stress Behind When Moving Home

A recent study found that on average, people will move home eight times in their lifetime. You would think that the frequency of such moves would mean that it gets a little easier (or less stressful) over time, but this simply not the case. In fact, moving home is often the cause of great stress, be that due to financial pressures or property induced woes.

However, there are several steps you can take that make moving home a little easier – meaning you can focus on the positive side of moving – not the negatives! 

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Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash
  • If you are selling your current property, figure out how much your house is worth. Consult with experts to ensure that you are not selling yourself short, as you can use the extra cash towards a downpayment for your new home. 
  • Work closely with a Mortgage broker to ensure that you get the best deal on a mortgage. They have years of experience within the industry and are able to provide you with invaluable knowledge and insight that could save you hundreds. 
  • If you know you want to move, but aren’t sure where you want to move to – write down a list of everything you need from your new home. For example, do you need access to certain amenities? How long is your ideal commute? If you have children, you might also want to consider the nearby schools. 
  • Look around a variety of different properties before signing a contract. By shopping around, you’ll be able to gain a clearer picture of precisely what you are looking for – and you’ll know you are making the right decision when you find your dream home. 
  • When you decide to move, ensure that you have a clear budget in mind. Figure out how much you can spend on the move, taking into consideration some of the hidden costs of moving, such as removal fees. 
  • A large majority of the stress associated with moving is tied up in packing. Therefore, you should get started on this task early instead of leaving it till the last minute. Remember: the sooner you start packing, the sooner you finish. 
  • If you plan to redecorate your new property, see if the bulk of the decorating can be completed before the move. This means that you won’t be getting in the way of any of the decorators, and you can unpack right away after the move. 
  • If you are worried about finances, take an affordable approach to moving. For example, you can save money on buying new furniture through DIY projects or buying items second hand. Additionally, you can earn a little extra money by selling anything you no longer need or use. 
  • Another way in which you can reduce the stress associated with moving home is by taking your time. Unless you are moving for work, you have plenty of time to organise the move – meaning you don’t have to do everything right away. Slowing the process down a little also gives you a chance to save up money. 
How To Leave The Stress Behind When Moving Home - hanging a picture frame image
Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash

Buying Property? Here’s How To Make It Profitable

Buying a property (or several) is an alternative to make money work. Real estate offers financial security for investors and has a positive impact on the local economy. You want to be sure that you’re buying the best you can; a residential property should have had mandatory checks by the right people. This is known as Residential Property Management. Housing remains a profitable investment overall. Although investing in real estate involves a significant investment, the truth is that the risks are lower, being a good diversification alternative to achieve stability and financial growth. You can make some informed decisions about investing in real estate and here are some ways that you can do so:  

Buying Property? Here's How To Make It Profitable - house in the countryside image

Photo: Unsplash

Purchase/sale of real estate

Buying property in face of constant economic changes can cause issues. However, this is not a simple way to invest. To achieve this, a strong investment is required, which can come from their capital or a mortgage loan. Investing in this way requires facing the commitment with the obligations and deadlines that the process of buying and selling the property implies, such as payments of taxes and services, credits, notarial services, among others.


Another method is to buy a property to rent it, either for commercial or residential use. In this case, it is through the monthly payment that returns are obtained. The advantage is that according to the quality of maintenance applied to the property, the greater its capital gain and it is possible to obtain more profits.


This is the latest way to invest and it is achieved through fintech and they are dedicated to raising funds through small investors through blockchain technology. These bring together a group of investors, who ‘acquire’ a part of the property to later rent it to third parties. In this way, it is possible to invest in this sector with smaller amounts of money but that allows for returns. When investing in real estate, the objective is to generate equity so it is important to protect it. Having good insurance can help prevent emergent expenses or situations that endanger the investment. 

Finding the one for you

As soon as you start looking for a property, you should tell the people you know and who are in that market that you want to make an important transaction. Talk to friends, co-workers, acquaintances, family, strangers – anyone can be an important source. This is a good way to find the right house for you that will remain the best investment for yourself also. You want to purchase a house that is going to be a good house to upgrade and update over the years and will create a profit for you in the long run. If this isn’t the case, then you are possibly wasting money. 

To start investing in real estate, you need at least 20% of the property’s value plus around 10-15% of the operating expenses to be able to request the mortgage. Without a doubt, buying to rent is a typical real estate investment. The most important danger, without a doubt, is that you will run out of tenants for a while and even that they will stop paying you. If this happens to you, having requested a mortgage with the plan of paying it with the rent, you will have serious problems. Another problem with this type of real estate investment is that not all the expenses involved in owning a flat are usually taken into account, so pay close attention and make a reasonable estimate before getting into an investment of this caliber. If you have little money, and you want to invest in real estate to rent them, you could consider starting with a parking space, something much more modest but that can also work very well.

Buying real estate to reform.

If what you are looking for is to generate income very quickly and you can condition property in a short period and also control the expenses of this reform, this is your type of real estate investment. You can find a property that can be reformed quickly and doesn’t need huge structural changes and lots of lengthy work done that requires lots of regulation checks. Also, you need a team of contractors, inspectors, and appraisers to help you find the problems that the property may have and define the maximum budget for the reform. Again you will also need residential property management to assist. However, there are ways to make buying real estate profitable and manageable for the future.

Tips For Saving Money On Home Renovations

Home renovations can be a costly expense. From knocking out walls to installing brand new flooring (read more here), there are some home renovation costs that cannot be avoided. Nonetheless, there are still ways to save money. It just takes a little creativity. If you have a costly home renovation coming up or you are wanting to do some updates around the house on a budget, here are some tips.

Tips For Saving Money On Home Renovations - home blueprint image

Make A Budget And Stick To It

Creating a budget and sticking to that budget is one of the most crucial steps when it comes to saving money on your home renovations. Keep in mind that when you are on a budget, that does not mean that you are only doing what is cheap. You can still pay for quality, you just may have to pick and choose what you want to pay for. Think about how much money you are willing to spend and compare that with how much money you have coming in. From there you can start creating a budget that works with your income. It is also recommended that you add an additional 10 percent to your total amount for incidentals.

Pay In Cash

Pay your renovations in cash or with a debit card if possible. You do not want to take out a loan to pay for the updates. Loans are typically accompanied by high interest rates. It might make sense to borrow money to do some home updates if you intend on selling your home. You will likely get a return on your investment, but if you are only doing them just for the sake of updating the house, it is best that you pay in cash.

Pace Yourself

You do not want to rush any job, especially one that involves how your home will look. Pace your home renovations. Avoid rushing the process. Sometimes you do not have a choice but to pace yourself since you are gathering all the necessary capital needed to make the renovations happen. On the other hand, if you have all the money you may feel the urge to get all the renovations done at one time. Do not do this. Your home will look like a dusty mess in between the renovations.

Do Them Yourself

There are some home improvement jobs you can do yourself. Give it a try! Doing some renovations yourself will save you thousands of dollars. If you are not comfortable doing handy work and you insist on paying someone, there are things you can do to prepare for their arrival. Remember, you are paying them per hour. By setting up your home for their arrival, you will be saving money.

Use What You Have

Instead of gutting the entire room, consider using what you already have and repurpose them. For instance, if you are updating the kitchen consider repurposing the doors instead of swapping them out for new ones. You will be surprised what a good sanding and a fresh coat of paint can do to update a space.

Invest in Peace of Mind: The Best Purchases for a Secure Home

You know when you have found the right home because it just feels right. And when we move into our dream home, we may find that the house is perfect, but the neighbourhood is not so much. Sometimes when we are at home, we cannot feel relaxed because we may not feel safe and sound. Wherever you live, a little extra peace of mind is always helpful. So this means we need to have the right products around us that make us feel safe and sound. Home security is such a wide-ranging concept these days that you can find pretty much everything to suit your needs. Let’s show you what investments are worthwhile.

Invest in Peace of Mind: The Best Purchases for a Secure Home - your front door image
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Motion Monitors

Ideal if you are away from the property for a few days. While there are numerous ways for motion sensors to work, such as light-activated motion sensors for the garden, you may need to find something a little more subtle. You can click here for a monitor that will notify you if there’s any unexpected motion detected in your property. We can’t be too careful these days, especially as burglars can be very adept at breaking into a property without making any noise.

A Video Doorbell

If you don’t have a peephole in your front door, a smart video doorbell can help you see who is ringing the bell before you open up. The great thing about video doorbells is that you can actually talk to them through the device if you don’t want to open up the door. There’s a wide variety of smart video doorbells out there and some offer various features such as 2-way talk and even night vision.

Indoor Cameras

Home security all began with the humble camera. Old-fashioned security cameras are all well and good but these days when we are away from the property we need smart devices that can help us monitor our home straight from our mobile phone. Many indoor security cameras offer full HD and wide-angle video during the day and the night. A lot of indoor cameras will notify you if the camera detects any motion and will give you a snapshot of who is moving around.

Window Alarms

As burglars are pretty savvy when it comes to getting windows open without smashing them you can purchase a window alarm that is easy to install. Every window alarm has two pieces which have a magnetic strip and the alarm. Once the two pieces are separated, it beeps loudly and deters criminals but can also stop any wayward teenagers leaving their bedroom in the middle of the night!

A Small Safe

Something very simple but incredibly effective to keep your valuables secure. You can purchase digital safes these days that you can program with guest and master codes. The great thing about small safes is that they are incredibly cost-effective. It’s a small price to pay for huge peace of mind.

A secure home is only secure when you feel relaxed. These devices can go a long way to guaranteeing that you finally feel comfortable in your home environment.