
Credit Card Debt – Are You Paying Thousands in Extra Interest?

Millions of people around the world use credit cards and despite our best intentions of clearing the balance very month, most of us will carry a balance. In fact the average outstanding credit card balance is $5700 in the USA (source ValuePenguin) and is over £2500 in the UK.

Chances are when you take out a new credit card you will be offered the opportunity to pay via direct debit either the full balance or the minimum amount every month. Since most people use credit cards as flexible spending for emergencies or contingencies it can be difficult to commit to paying off the full amount. This is especially true when transferring a balance from another card.

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Statistics show that over 65% over credit card holders carry a balance from month to month

Did you know that if you opt to pay the minimum balance you could take over 20 years to pay off the card? It is far better to agree a fixed monetary amount each month than the percentage which is often suggested by the credit card company.

The video below explains in more detail and you can prove it for yourself by using a credit card calculator

For more financial education tips and videos visit The Personal Finance Academy


Tax Havens Around The World: All You Need To Know

Using offshore accounts, moving to tax havens or using shell companies; we’ve heard them all before. But what do they really mean and are they worth looking into? The important thing to note to start with is that they are all legal things to do. Moving your business (or yourself) to a country that is a tax haven, is a completely legitimate thing to do in order to reduce costs. For an individual, tax havens can offer little or no tax on your capital gains. So your income, your inheritance, and your pension. Corporations can save money too. So if you think this kind of thing might be for you, then here are some of the best tax havens in the world that you’d have to relocate to.

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The small landlocked country in Europe has a pretty small population of 550,000. The country got its ‘tax haven’ status because of some laws that were passed that make it a very business-friendly place to live. It allows many businesses to have a set amount of their business based there, in order to have a reduction on tax. For example, Amazon has its European head office in the country. For individuals it might not be the best option, but for business, it can be a good option for you.

Cayman Islands

Often associated with many big money movies, the Cayman Islands often get a bit of a bad reputation for being all about dodgy dealings. But really, the Cayman Islands are one of several countries that that have laws that allow a corporation to be created and to keep all of its assets without paying any tax. So again, for a business, this can be a huge benefit, especially if you are just starting out. However, there can be some complications and implications on this. So it can be a good idea to seek professional advice on a relocate to the Cayman Islands if you’re unsure.

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The small region of Monaco is only around a square mile in size, so it really is a tiny principality, rather than a country. However, it still manages to pack in plenty of residents, with a population of over 35,000. Since the 1800s it hasn’t charged any of its resident’s income tax, so you can see why there are plenty of people wanting to fit into the tiny region. If you are a wealthy individual that is looking to reduce how much you are charged on things, then looking at Monaco Relocation Services could be a good idea for you. You’ll be at home with the many super rich residents, as long as you can claim that Monaco is your primary nation of residence.


The small British island located between England and France has become a popular tax haven for Brits, especially for individuals rather than business. For things like inheritance tax in the UK, the tax can be 80% on large amounts, compared to nothing in Jersey. So if you’re older it could a place worth looking into. http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/greenmoney-online-zaymi-za-20-minut.html

How To Provide The Best Education On A Budget

We all want the best for our children when it comes to their education, and as we all know education is one of the most expensive things you will spend your money on. It’s also understandable that you would want to support your child’s education as much as possible, but it can be frustrating when you don’t have the funds to do so. Luckily, there are a few steps that you can take so that you can help provide your children with the best education possible, whether they’re small children, or grown into young adults.

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Image credit

Saving from birth

One thing that many parents choose to do when they have children, is to begin saving for their child’s education. You don’t necessarily need a swanky bank account to do this either. Simply putting change in a (large) container will mount up over the years. Imagine having saved at least a large part of their education and presenting you child with it when they go to take further education. It would be a brilliant help and you would be able to rest assured that you’ve given them the best start in life as you could.

Of course, if you do have the option to save money in an account then you should take full advantage of it because of interest rates. Even though interest rates are usually low, having your bank contribute that little bit extra into their fund will certainly help.


Even though public schools give our children the right education, it’s understandable that you’d consider sending your child to a private school so that their education is more tailored to them. Of course, this kind of education comes at a price. While the price of sending your child will cost you each year, the initial price of buying school supplies and uniform can also mount up. Especially in private schools due to the fact that many require you to wear a certain uniform.

A loan might not be something you’ve considered, but to get the initial costs out of the way it might be a route you could take. There’s loans that you can get even if you have a bad credit score. Https://www.jubilee2000uk.org/analysis/secured-loans/bad-credit has more information on how you can achieve getting yourself a loan if you may have been refused anywhere else.

Remember though, you will need to make sure that you can afford the yearly education before considering private schooling.

Prepaying for education

Did you know that you’re able to prepay for a college course for your children? This is the perfect solution for those of us that have come into some money, or know that in the future your income won’t be as high. Doing this will allow them to enter the course they desire without having to worry about money.

As you can see, there are three main ways of ensuring you can provide your children with the best education – even on a budget! http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/lime-zaim-zaymi-online.html

How Stories Can Prepare Children for Life

Image via Flickr  Mankind has always been obsessed with storytelling, since the most distant days of prehistory when our ancestors sat around roaring bonfires telling the tales of mythical figures and their deeds.  Nothing has changed in this regard today, and fictional entertainment is as popular as ever, whether in the form of books, or TV shows and films.  One of the areas where stories continue to have the most impact, however, is in delighting and educating our children. Fables and fairytales seem uniquely able to inspire and enlighten kids, where dry lectures would put them to sleep.  Why is that the case? Let’s take a look.   Stories exist in a world of adventure   The normal world is often reasonably boring for grownups, never mind for children who’re used to living in a world of adventure and make-believe, where heroes and villains and strange creatures lurk in every corner and great quests define the fate of the world.  Stories are able to place often mundane concepts and lessons into fantastic settings and so make them far more interesting and exciting. That, of course, means that a child is far more likely to absorb the fundamental messages.   Stories make things less frightening  Real-world concepts and their implications are often scary, or at least daunting. Trying to teach a child about the dynamics of heroes and villains by talking about contemporary terrorist atrocities is likely to give them nightmares.  When placed in a fantasy setting, however, many of these concepts stop being so frightening. They’re now removed from our day-to-day lives by a degree of separation, and there are always wise kings or bold heroes to step up and do battle when needed.   Stories can simplify complicated concepts  In day-to-day life, almost everything has layers of complexity which can be utterly baffling if we’re not prepared for them. Few adults could claim to have a good working knowledge of how the various financial institutions operate, even the activities of benign companies such as best.creditcard. So how can children be expected to unravel these arcane mysteries?  Addressing big concepts in a fantasy setting allows for these ideas to be boiled down and simplified to their core components, while also positioning them against a narrative backdrop which serves to enhance understanding, rather than diminish it.  There’s a reason why metaphors are such commonly used teaching mechanisms.  Stories stick in a child’s memory  A dry lecture about something complicated like budgeting or arithmetic is likely to interest a child about as much as watching paint dry, and will probably fly out of their head as soon as they’re free to run off and imagine themselves fighting a dragon or saving a princess.  Stories with engaging characters and plots can carry these same morals, but present them to a child in a coating of fun and adventure. This, of course, means that the child is more likely to remember the tale. Even if they’re not constantly reflecting on the lesson of the story, it’ll be working in the back of their mind. - giant storybook image

Image via Flickr

Mankind has always been obsessed with storytelling, since the most distant days of prehistory when our ancestors sat around roaring bonfires telling the tales of mythical figures and their deeds.

Nothing has changed in this regard today, and fictional entertainment is as popular as ever, whether in the form of books, or TV shows and films.

One of the areas where stories continue to have the most impact, however, is in delighting and educating our children. Fables and fairytales seem uniquely able to inspire and enlighten kids, where dry lectures would put them to sleep.

Why is that the case? Let’s take a look.

Stories exist in a world of adventure

The normal world is often reasonably boring for grownups, never mind for children who’re used to living in a world of adventure and make-believe, where heroes and villains and strange creatures lurk in every corner and great quests define the fate of the world.

Stories are able to place often mundane concepts and lessons into fantastic settings and so make them far more interesting and exciting. That, of course, means that a child is far more likely to absorb the fundamental messages.

Stories make things less frightening

Real-world concepts and their implications are often scary, or at least daunting. Trying to teach a child about the dynamics of heroes and villains by talking about contemporary terrorist atrocities is likely to give them nightmares.

When placed in a fantasy setting, however, many of these concepts stop being so frightening. They’re now removed from our day-to-day lives by a degree of separation, and there are always wise kings or bold heroes to step up and do battle when needed.

Stories can simplify complicated concepts

In day-to-day life, almost everything has layers of complexity which can be utterly baffling if we’re not prepared for them. Few adults could claim to have a good working knowledge of how the various financial institutions operate, even the activities of benign companies such as best.creditcard. So how can children be expected to unravel these arcane mysteries?

Addressing big concepts in a fantasy setting allows for these ideas to be boiled down and simplified to their core components, while also positioning them against a narrative backdrop which serves to enhance understanding, rather than diminish it.

There’s a reason why metaphors are such commonly used teaching mechanisms.

Stories stick in a child’s memory

A dry lecture about something complicated like budgeting or arithmetic is likely to interest a child about as much as watching paint dry, and will probably fly out of their head as soon as they’re free to run off and imagine themselves fighting a dragon or saving a princess.

Stories with engaging characters and plots can carry these same morals, but present them to a child in a coating of fun and adventure. This, of course, means that the child is more likely to remember the tale. Even if they’re not constantly reflecting on the lesson of the story, it’ll be working in the back of their mind. http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/otlnal-microzaimi.html

Monthly Budgeting Plans: Teach Your Kids The Importance

It can be challenging to budget each month and still have cash left to enjoy, and save, especially in a busy family home. However, for a young family to thrive, and maintain financial wellbeing and security; it’s a skill that parents need to be adept at, and pass on to their children. Young minds are impressionable, and like little sponges; therefore, the life skills you show them, will sink in and help them in their future adult lives. The sooner you teach your little ones skills with budgeting and saving their money, the better they’ll become with financial skills.

Consumerism is only growing stronger, and there are more ways to shop and spend money than ever before. Therefore, you’ll want to equip your kids with as many money skills as possible before they head out, to study, work, and take on adult responsibilities. The following are some tips and ideas on how to begin influencing your children and their long-term financial choices, so they too can enjoy a secure and comfortable future.

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Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adorable-blur-bookcase-books-261895/

Lead By Example

The best way to influence your little ones is to lead by example. Your kids will constantly be soaking up what you do and mirroring their parent’s behaviour, even if they don’t realise it, so become a great financial role model for them. Explain how your household bills work, and the reasons that you go out to work; ensure that they can grasp the idea of generating an income so that you have the means to pay for life’s essentials.

You may have taken out a loan for your home, or still be juggling student debts; you can check out sites like cashloans.co for ideas and information on working out the correct repayment plan for your family. You can pass on the knowledge about budgeting your monthly outgoings to older children and teens, so they understand how all borrowed money has to be paid back. Educating your kids on how and why adults spend their income, will ensure they’re financially savvy when it comes to leaving the family home and setting out into the big wide world.

Give Them An Income

A great way for your kids and teens to learn how to budget is to let them put it into practice while they still live at home. Providing weekly pocket money, or a monthly allowance, in exchange for jobs and chores will reiterate how they can earn in the future. If they want to buy something in particular; encourage them to save their own cash so that they can buy it themselves. Working towards something they want, saving successfully, and eventually going to buy it will give them plenty of positive associations with saving money, and ensure they continue their good habits into adulthood.

Set up a bank account for your kids and go through their monthly statements with them. Children and teens will soon get to grips with how and income, savings, interest, and spending will work on a larger scale in the future. Providing your kids with enough information regarding finance will make sure they make smart decisions when it comes to cash in the future, and won’t be coming back to mum and dad (all the time) for handouts and loans. http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/vashi-dengi-zaim.html