
Parenting From Beyond The Grave. Teaching Children Finances For When You’re Not Around


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Becoming a parent is a huge responsibility. That responsibility doesn’t end, even from beyond the grave. Every parent takes steps to ensure their children would be okay should anything happen. Discussing when you won’t be around anymore isn’t nice, but it’s necessary. It can be reassuring to have relatives who could take care of things. Even so, it’s important to talk things through with your children so they know what would happen. Don’t hide this from your kids, especially as they get older. How can they learn if you don’t teach them? Here are some things you should take time to explain.


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If you don’t have a will, you should write one. If you do have a will, it’s important to discuss the document with your children. Setting up a will is the best way to help them figure things out after you’ve gone. Bear in mind that it won’t be any good to them if they don’t understand it, or don’t know it exists. Talk them through the contents of your will and make sure they know where it’s kept. Keeping them in the loop will give them much greater understanding of things. Ensure they’re prepared for the worst. Thorough explanation helps avoid confusion or arguments when the time comes. It’s also worth discussing who will be taking care of them should anything happen. No one wants to have such a sombre conversation, but it’s necessary. It will put all your minds at ease.


Explaining the value of insurance to your children will help them understand the need for insurance when they get older. It’s essential that they know how important these added policies are. While you’re explaining insurance to them, it may be worth mentioning life insurance. It’s crucial that your children are aware of any life insurance policies you have. That way, they’ll know what they’re owed when it comes time. This will also help them set up their own life insurance policy later in life. Our reference to our life insurance policies can make a real difference later down the line. Learn what your children will receive from your policy after your death so that you can explain it to them. Make sure they know what you pay in and why you do it. Show them phone numbers and who to contact should they need it in the future.


There are often fees involved in death. Maybe you’ve got savings, or it’s just taxes on your estate that would need paying. It’s important to discuss this with your children too. Make sure they know what they would have to pay, and how to pay it. This knowledge is crucial. Make sure to explain it in terms your children would understand. This conversation may be best left until your kids are a little older and have some understanding of the tax world. Be realistic in how much your kids are going to understand at any given age.


Why Profits Are Better Than Wages

Why Profits Are Better Than Wages by Jim Rohn

jim-rohnI love this brief but inspiring message from Jim Rohn and thought I would post it to inspire parents to share with their kids.

Please feel free to leave your comments below or via Facebook.

My mentor, when I was 25 years old, dropped a phrase on me that changed my life forever. He said, “Profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living—profits can make you a fortune.” You know it is a bit difficult to get rich on wages, but anybody can get rich on profits. Profits change your whole attitude, even if you start part-time.

It can be a landscape business in the summer or hanging Christmas lights in the winter. It can be training, consulting or tutoring. It can be your hobby of painting, writing, crafts, woodworking, computers or cooking. But once you start investing even part-time effort into your own business, you will find how much more exciting it is to get up in the morning and go to work on your fortune, even if you’re only spending a few hours a week doing it.

How empowering it is to be able to go to work on your fortune every day rather than going to work solely to pay the rent. When you parcel out part of your time to make your fortune, your whole attitude changes—your spirit changes.

It is in your voice. It is in your face. It is in your gestures. And then you can say, “I am now working full-time on my job and part-time on my fortune because I found a way to make profits.” Wow!

Fascinating Facts About The Credit Card

Did you know the Credit Card has been part of our purses and wallets for over 50 years?
Love them or loath them, here are some interesting facts about the credit card.

fascinating facts about the credit card - infographic

This credit card infographic was created by Sainsbury’s Bank

Where Does Money Come From?

Nice infographic which shows the three main types of income and can help answer the question where does money come from?

http;//thefinancialfairytales.com where does money come from

3 types of income- where does money come from?

Why Teach Children About Wills?

image of willTeaching children about all aspects of finance early in life is important, but it needn’t be boring. The trick lies in getting children to understand the whys and wherefores of money in a way that is both fun and which will carry them through life. This isn’t about attempting to get rich; rather, it’s about instilling in them the knowledge that the sensible management of money can help bring about freedom, independence and peace of mind.

As part of this overall process, it’s also important that children understand the whole principle of inheritance. In this way, they will be better prepared for their independent financial lives when the time comes when they do inherit money – and it will help develop in them a sense of the permanence of the value of goods, property and investments.

This is a desirable thing for most parents to achieve with their children. But it’s very important not to confuse this educational process with any sense of greed or materialism; it’s a fine balance which wise and far-sighted parents should be able to achieve. And there are fun ways this can be achieved – with plenty of resources on this website to investigate.

But when it comes to leaving legacies and instilling an understanding of this whole area in children – the process is a little more delicate. Most children instinctively understand, by the time they reach somewhere around double figures in age, that life is fleeting. At this age, they’re beginning to understand the permanence of death. They’ve usually had first hand experience of a grandparent or other family member passing away – or someone else close to the family – and understand what it’s all about.

Around his sort of age, it’s perfectly sensible and natural to talk to children about things like wills and probates – and to help them understand what happens after someone’s death – to all their belongings and assets. It’s easier to talk and think in terms of something that will mean something to children rather than a person’s entire estate. There may even be a keepsake that a relative or friend has bequeathed to a child – and this can become a pleasant and happy memory; a nice way of remembering someone fondly after the initial period of grief has passed.

It’s also a good way of understand the process of bequeathing things in the way you want them.

Overall, teaching children about wills is a natural part of understanding the basics of finance in a way which will help them in later life. The knowledge that they will inherit something at some point in the future – but not to rely on such inheritance – is also helpful in allowing children to come to terms with the one inevitability of life – which is, of course, death. But instead of being in any way morbid – this knowledge should help set children’s minds free to appreciate the present and to always carpe diem whilst simultaneously being sensible with money. As the saying goes; live as though you’ll die tomorrow, but farm as if you’ll live forever.