Financial challenges will affect everyone at some point, and will come in a variety of forms and levels of intensity. When life pulls the rug from under us, it can be pretty easy for all that stress and worry to become a serious weight on your mind. While financial problems certainly aren’t pleasant, the good news is that there’s almost always a way to work around them! Whatever kind of financial issues you’re facing, and no matter how hopeless the situation seems, the following guide is for you. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the roots of financial difficulty, and the best ways to better your situation.
Identify Underlying Problems

From Wikimedia
The first step to overcoming the financial issues you’re facing, just like any kind of problem, is to identify the underlying problem that’s at the root of it all. Financial issues are almost always the product of some larger problem, and it’s important to understand them in order to find solutions that work in the long run. Unemployment or a notably low income leads to the use of credit for basic living expenses, for example. Having a child, although one of the best experiences you can ever have, is also a common cause for sudden financial difficulty. Addictions, whether it be to alcohol, a recreational drug, or even things like gambling and video games, can also be a severe drain on a household’s income. Unexpected deaths are also a common cause for financial difficulties, not only due to an abrupt loss of income, but also having to pay for services like Teck Hin Undertaker. The root of your difficulties may not fit into any of these categories, and there’s a fair chance that it’s much more complex than the problems I’ve just mentioned. Regardless of this, identifying the source of the issue is an integral first step towards financial stability. Fix a leaking faucet, and the dripping will stop!
Spend in a Good Way
Having pinned down the root of your problem, your next step should be starting to use one of the most effective weapons out there against any financial issue – a good budget. If you’ve been taking expenses as they come so far, then creating a budget for yourself could be likened to turning a light on when you’ve been walking around in the dark. With a monthly spending plan in place, you’ll know exactly where all of your money is going, and find it so much easier to make sure you’re spending on the things that matter to you most. That is, if you create your budget in the right way. The expenses you list and take the time to manage can’t simply be guesses. They need to be a solid, accurate reflection of the reality you’re living with. The best way to ensure this is to track your expenses for a couple of weeks – or even better a month – to try and get an objective view of the kind of money you’re spending and where it’s all going. You may think you know where your money is going. However, when a lot of people finally take the time to look back on a month and tally up all of their purchases, a lot of them are absolutely shocked to discover that their spending doesn’t quite match up with what they thought their priorities were! After you’ve spent that period of tracking your personal cash flow, it will become so much easier to go over your budget more critically, and search for areas where you can save money practically. You’ll have to ask yourself some fairly tough questions; do I need to eat out that much in a month? Can I bear not seeing this or that friend for a while longer? Do I need to join everyone for that Friday after-work drink? Don’t think of it as taking on more financial burdens. Instead, remind yourself that it’s a part of being able to afford what really matters.
Set Out Your Priorities

From Flickr
In order to overcome the financial issues weighing you down, and ensure that they don’t come back to bite you in the future, it’s important to determine what your personal financial priorities are. Many of these might be obvious financial priorities, such as paying off the balance on your credit cards. Others might be a little more lifestyle-orientated, such as being able to pay for a big home improvement project and giving you and your family a better quality of life. When you have clear, non-negotiable priorities, it will make all those tough financial decisions you’ve been facing so much easier. The next time you hit a conflict of spending choices, all you have to do is think about your priorities, and use them as a guide for your decision. If you’re stuck for a first priority, just try to focus on getting a single, specific problem under wraps! For instance, shave down one of your most pressing expenses and pay off your lowest credit card balance.
Take Little Steps
No matter what the nature of your financial problems are, the solution is going to involve reducing expenses and increasing income in various ways. Once you’ve done the maths, you might discover that in order to get yourself on track again, you’re going to have to make some pretty big changes to your usual lifestyle. This may not be something you want to do especially, and believe me you’re not alone! However, this issue comes down to a choice between gritting your teeth through ongoing financial issues, or making various small changes to ultimately relieve yourself from financial stress. I can guess which one you’d rather pick! Big changes are always much harder to motivate yourself towards and to make happen, so try to identify the smaller steps you can take in order to bring yourself closer. Let’s say that you’re finding it hard to make ends meet because you’re an average of £50 short of something every month. In this scenario, a good small step to consider could be paying off a lower credit card balance that requires you to make a £50 minimum payment every month. Look for little areas where you can reduce your spending, get that credit card paid off, and then you’ll permanently have an extra £50 to throw around every month.
Develop a Plan to Get Rid of Your Problems Permanently

From Pixabay
Having identified some of the smaller steps you can take towards greater financial stability, your next step should be formulating a realistic plan for achieving those big, overarching goals you want to accomplish. Determine what these are as I mentioned before, then write them down, along with where you currently are in relation to those goals. This, along with your regular budget, will help you to figure out some regular, smaller payments that will be much more manageable than trying to get yourself in a position to make one big purchase. This is often where many people can slip up. The trick here is to get the perfect balance. Don’t make your regular payment routine so easy that it becomes easy to brush it off or let it slide. Similarly, you shouldn’t be making it so ambitious that it’s near impossible for you to keep on top of!
Review and Tweak
Like many things, digging yourself out of financial trouble isn’t always as easy as creating a plan and then deciding to stick to it. Certain details can slip through the net, and various unexpected complications can spring up which makes sticking to your plan much more difficult. Due to this, it’s important that you take the time to review how your plan is turning out, identify any problems, and then tweak things so that they’re that much better. Have your finances shown improvement? Are you making the kind of progress towards your goals that you forecasted? If not, you’ll need to have a look back through your accounts and pin down where things went wrong, and why. Like a new year’s resolution, you might find that your old, expensive habits were easy enough to avoid at the start, but soon enough things started to get hard. It’s integral to make sure the plan you’ve set out is realistic, or you’re just going to end up straining yourself too much, and making it easier to give up and regress into bad spending habits. If you’re finding yourself struggling again and again, then you may need to reach out for outside help. There are now various government initiatives, such as National Debt Solutions, which give free assistance to people who are overwhelmed by their financial difficulties. Other times, the solution can be as simple as talking to a friend who’s better with money than you, and sharing information about your financial situation with them.
Things may look pretty bleak right now, but following this guide could set you off on the road to a much more stable financial future. Remember to always think in the long term, and don’t be too proud to seek the help you need!