Ok, so Corona virus has hit us hard in so many places, and it has certainly made the investment market very wobbly. If you’re someone who has investments in the markets and are being affected by what is going on at the moment it can seem like a bleak, uncertain and unnerving time. But, what exactly are you supposed to do to get through this difficult time?

Let’s have a look at some of the thing you can do during this uncertain time:
Don’t Do Anything
So, the value of your current portfolio has already declined. One option you have is to do nothing, if you sell now you are converting your paper losses into real ones.
Stop Constantly Checking
We all know that times are bad for investors at the moment, and constantly checking the value of your portfolio isn’t going to change that. Turn off your notifications, it’s probably already too late for you to change anything now. You might make a bad situation even worst if you keep looking, you might feel forced to sell when you shouldn’t from nerves and anxiety.
Stick With Your Plan
If you already have an investment plan in place where you use tools like MetaTtrader 4 for mac, stick with it. Try to keep investing as you normally would. For example if you have money that goes into your retirement plan every month or two weeks continue to do that.
Remember To Stay Calm
You need to remind yourself to think like an investor, just because time are uncertain at the moment doesn’t mean you should jump if the market jumps or falls dramatically. Especially if it’s happening over a day or the course of a week. You need to think rationally and leave your emotions behind. It’s much better for you to sit back and ride the storm, wait until everything calms down before you make any significant decisions. Remember you can never pick the market bottom or turnaround and just jump in. You need to fight the impulse of thinking this is good.
If You Feel Like You Have To Do Something
If you get the feeling you really, really need to do something, try to use this as a learning moment. If you keep hold of individual stocks, you can take the opportunity to review those holdings and review what could have happened with them.
This may all fall on deaf ears, especially for those who want to use this crash as an opportunity to buy low and sell high. Using this time as the buy-low opportunity. If you absolutely have to buy in the current market make sure it is in a rational and disciplined manner, think about how much you can risk losing as this is only the beginning and things could get worst before they get better.
Do you have any other tips that you could share in the comments below?