Welcome to The Money Quest Day 2

I hope you enjoyed the story and activities yesterday. Below you will find the links for today’s fun and games!
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I hope you enjoyed the story and activities yesterday. Below you will find the links for today’s fun and games!
Please add your comments and questions below or via our Facebook page
The award winning Last Gold Coin is being promoted on Amazon. For a very limited time you can get the Kindle version for FREE.
Here are the links
The Last Gold Coin tells the story of a young prince who returns from an adventure to find his Kingdom in ruins. All seems lost as a wicked witch plots against him and steals all the gold from the castle vault – all except one last gold coin.The arrival of a beautiful stranger brings a change in fortune, but are the people ready to change their ways? And who is brave enough to tackle the wicked witch?
The Financial Fairy Tales are a series of inspirational children’s books designed to help teach kids positive money values and skills.
The Last Gold Coin contains important money messages of saving, investment and how money can grow. Plus positive values and ideas such as generosity and self reliance.
Suitable for children typically from 6-10 or younger if you would like to read it with them.
Firstly I believe it’s a great book, with lots of positive and inspiring morals and ideas, so I as the author I would like to get it into the hands of as many readers as possible.
Secondly, the Amazon machine feeds on reviews, so if you like the book and can leave a review, that will help increase its visibility and likelihood of more people finding it.
Here are those links again
If you are reading this from a different country then please search for The Last Gold Coin within Amazon in your region.
Thank you so much, I sincerely hope you and your children will enjoy the book.
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You may have heard of mastermind groups and their potential for elevating your business and personal success. I first became aware of the potential power of masterminds through the iconic book – Think and Grow Rich. Where the success secrets of many of the world’s highest achievers were distilled by author Napoleon Hill.
Mastermind groups work by focusing the combined skills and experience of their members to solve challenges being faced by individuals. In Think and Grow Rich it was reported that Andrew Carnegie, then the richest man in the world, met regularly with Henry Ford and Thomas Edison among others.
After reading the book I was keen to find and participate in a mastermind group to draw upon the collective wisdom with a focus on my financial education business which I had recently started. Here’s where the first serendipity occurred. Shortly after having the thought I received an email from David Ricklan at SelfGrowth.com announcing that they were launching mastermind groups for people in the personal development industry. I eagerly applied and after some time was even asked if I would like to facilitate a group.
While the group memberships were being put together, I began thinking about the first challenge I could bring to my group. I had recently published my first book in the Financial Fairy Tales series, Dreams Can Come True and I was very interested in exploring an audiobook version. I could imagine for example; the book being playing in the car on the school run.
The first member of my particular mastermind group was an American lady currently living in Japan. During our initial conversation we discussed her goals and plans and how the group could support her. When we tasked about my desire for an audiobook I was amazed to hear that not only was she a voice actor, but also had a friend who was a Grammy award winning musician who she could ask to provide original music.
Within a few weeks she had produced a fantastic audiobook version of Dreams Can Come True which has been downloaded and enjoyed by hundreds if not thousands of children and parents around the world.
For me this story illustrates the power of our intentions and the reward for taking action. I am sure many of us have experiences synchronicities such as these which occur when we listen to and act upon our intuition.
If you feel curious about listening to the Dreams Can Come True audiobook then we have a few coupons allowing a free download from audible. Please comment below with you email address or get in touch via our social media pages and I can send you a unique discount code.