
Won The Lottery? You’re Not Out Of The Woods Yet!

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Image from Flickr

You might think that after winning the lottery, you’ll never have to worry about your finances again. However, after a little bit of research, you’ll quickly find that this isn’t always the case! Countless jackpot winners through history have found themselves in situations where they wish they’d never even bought that winning ticket! Though your win may have covered a few immediate financial problems, you’re not out of the woods yet! Here’s how to protect your winnings and make them work for you.

Choose Between a Lump Sum or Annuity

This is one of the first things that a lottery winner will have to decide on, and many different factors go into it. With the sheer amount of money you have coming your way, along with the earnings you’d gain from it, you could quickly find yourself in the highest tax bracket, and staying there for a long time. Talk to a financial advisor, and figure out if you’d stand to make more from investing the lump sum than what the annuity will pay over time. Generally, you’ll find it much easier to make projections with an annuity compared to a lump sum. Though the decision may seem like an obvious one right now, there are a lot of factors you’ll need to chew over before settling.

Get Used to Saying No

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Image from Pixabay

If you choose to go public as the winner of a lottery jackpot, you won’t have long before you’re bombarded with messages from various family members, friends from way back, and various other people all asking for your money. One of the less pleasant aspects to being a lottery winner is having to learn to say “no” here and there. You’ll have plenty of time to consider hand-outs which you genuinely want to go ahead with, so don’t feel pressured by all that attention! There are people out there who won the lottery years ago, and are still getting requests for money. A jackpot is a lot of money, and in order to create a solid financial plan, you need to have a period where you leave your winnings relatively untouched.

Don’t Rush Through Financial Decisions

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Image from Pexels

One of the most common financial mistakes made by lottery winners is that they make large financial decisions without taking the time to think them through properly. Aside from the choice of how you’re going to receive your winnings, investments, and miscellaneous things like structured settlements, the sudden financial freedom can really go to a lot of people’s heads, and lead to some seriously rash behavior. Despite how you’ve always envisioned a win like this, you don’t have to give massive, extravagant gifts, buy luxury homes, or commit to any risky investments as soon as you have access to your money. You should take it slow, gradually learning what it means to have a massively different economic status, before you start thinking about the steps that are going to make the most sense for you and those you care about.

Make Driving A More Financially Viable Part Of Your Life

Most of us need a car to get through our daily lives, and they unfortunately can end up costing you a lot of money. There are many different ways in which you end up having to spend money for a car and car-related concerns. If you want to reel in the spending, however, and make more of your financial situation, then it might be wise to take a look at your driving habits. The fact is, you can probably find ways to reduce the amount of money you need to spend on driving if you are careful and a little clever about it. In this post, we are going to look at how to do just that. Let’s see how driving a car can be made to be more financially viable for you.

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Driving With Efficiency In Mind

So one of your main expenses is always going to be the fuel. There is very little that you or I can do about the price of fuel, and it will probably always be on the increase in line with inflation and other factors beyond our control. What we can control, however, is how much fuel we actually use. You might be surprised at what a difference you can make to how much fuel you use, if you just put a little thought and concentration into it. For example, limiting the amount you brake, avoiding steep accelerations and always staying in the right gear are three powerful ways to limit the amount of fuel you use. It is also helpful to turn off your engine when you are stuck in traffic for a long time, as even just sitting stationary can waste fuel.

Seeking Compensation After An Accident

Nobody wants to think that they might be in an accident, but the truth is it can happen to just about anyone. There are certain things you can do to minimise your chances if it happening, but only a limited amount. If you are in an accident, however, you can ensure that you at least receive compensation for it. With the right personal injury protection, you should find that you are able to get the compensation you truly deserve for an accident that isn’t your fault. While this might not be the first thing you think of, it is likely to become very important to you if you do suffer this unfortunate fate.

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Choosing Your Car Wisely

Of course, a major expense in driving is on the actual car itself, and knowing how to choose this well will go a long way towards ensuring financial stability for you in the long run. If you are stuck between cars, it can often help to take a step back and think about the ongoing costs as well as the upfront cost. Different vehicles have different levels of efficiency, for a start, as well as differing reliability levels. If you choose your car carefully, it can make a big difference to how much you spend on driving overall.

Amazing Sources You Can Turn To For Money Advice

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Not sure what you should do with your savings? Do you have money in an investment that is now starting to look very risky? It sounds like you could do with some money advice! No matter what type of question you have, there are plenty of sources you can turn to. Each one will be able to give you some solid financial advice. Not sure where to go for the best advice? Here are some of the best sources for financial advice.

Finance Blogs

Thanks to the Internet, it is now easier than ever to get advice about your money. One of the best places to start is by looking at financial blogs. Most finance blogs are written by people who have experience working in the financial sector. In fact, many bloggers are retired wealth managers. If you take a look through all the articles on the blog, you will find a great selection of articles on various financial topics. If you can’t find your answer in an article, don’t be afraid to send one of the bloggers a quick question. I’m sure that they will be more than happy to help you out!

Wealth Managers

If you have a lot of money to invest but aren’t too sure what to do with it, you should speak to a wealth manager, such as Ian Filippini. The wealth manager will be able to look at your current financial situation and figure out which are the best investment options for you. Not only that but once you have invested your cash, they will manage the investment for you. That means they will keep a close eye on it to make sure that your money continues to grow. If an investment looks like it is becoming a risk, your wealth manager will review other options where you could move your money to.


If you don’t have a whole lot of money to afford a wealth manager but still need some expert advice, you can always speak to a charity. There are a number of charities that have been set up to provide people with lower incomes financial advice. Most of these charities specialise in advice relating to getting out of debt and paying off loans and credit cards. If you give your local charity which offers financial advice a call, you will be able to set up an appointment to go in and speak to someone.

Financial Newspapers

It can also be worth picking up a daily financial newspapers, such as the Financial Times. These are full of local and national news stories, but they are also jam-packed with a lot of extra financial information that you won’t necessarily find in other everyday papers. The Financial Times also has a daily roundup of share and fund prices, so you can always quickly check to see how your investments are doing.

It is very important that you know where to go for professional financial advice. That way, you will be better equipped to manage your money and help it grow!

The Good, The Bad And The Bankrupt: Entrepreneurial Personal Finance For The Next Generation

When it comes to financial advice for entrepreneurs, there’s a lot of discussion about maintaining good cash flow and making sure that you properly manage expenses. But there’s much less discussion about how exactly entrepreneurs should go about managing their own personal stash of cash. After all, a lot of the money that their businesses make goes straight into their bank account.

In the future, entrepreneurship is going to become more and more important as new market opportunities emerge. In fact, we’re living through something of a startup boom, making it more important than ever that children – the future workforce – know how to manage their money as business leaders.

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Here we’re going to look at what some of the world’s top entrepreneurs said about managing their personal finances in a bid to find out how to do it right and what information we should pass on to our kids. Let’s take a look at what they said.

Keep Business And Personal Accounts Separate

Rachel Rodgers, the boss at a local legal firm, says that young entrepreneurs should keep their business and personal finances separate. It is not a good idea to get them mixed up, mostly because it then becomes tough for accountants to disentangle business expenses from personal expenses. Rodgers advises that entrepreneurs use tools, like Mint, to pay themselves a regular, predictable salary as early as they possibly can. This, she says, will help to keep track of personal funds, while making sure that the business account does not become contaminated by personal expenditure.

Take Payments Wherever

Most modern entrepreneurs don’t do transactions face to face. Instead, they do business with people all over the country, and sometimes the world. The fact that in most of these situations, the payment card isn’t actually present means that entrepreneurs often need their own high risk merchant accounts.

These accounts make it easier to accept payments, even when transaction risk is high. Many banks won’t accept certain types of international payment, or won’t accept some companies soliciting those types of payment, so it’s important to find partners that will. Having a system like this in place helps to avoid cash flow issues, says David Ehrenberg, boss at a financial services company, and makes it easier to avoid big business losses.

Track Personal Expenses

Keeping track of expenses is part and parcel of being an entrepreneur. But Aaron Schwartz, boss at a watchmaking company, took this to the next level. He knew that he wasn’t going to make a lot of money during the first year of his business. As a result, he kept track of all of his expenses, including spending 75 cents on an apple, just to keep track of the rate at which he was burning through cash. Once he knew what this was, he stuck to his expenses schedule religiously, only buying the stuff he needed and recording it all on a Google Docs spreadsheet.

Use Accounting Software

Zach Cutler of the Cutler group recommends that all new businesses start off by using accounting software. This, he says, helps separate business from personal finances.

Beware The Drawbacks Of A Bad Credit Score!

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A credit score is a value used by lenders and companies to see how financially trustworthy you are. It’s affected by factors such as when you pay your bills, how much money you borrow, and how much credit you use.

Most people don’t understand the importance of maintaining a good credit score. In fact, a report showed that 53% of households in the UK have never checked their credit report. It’s important to know how high your credit rating is, as a low one can affect your life in many ways. Here are some of the drawbacks of having a bad credit score.

Limited Borrowing Options

When it comes to getting a loan, a bad credit score can affect your options for the worse. Lenders often check your credit score before giving you money. Many will choose not to give you a loan if you have a bad credit score.

Having a bad credit score can often make your financial habits look worse than they are. Lenders will assume you can’t be trusted with money. It can make it much harder to get a loan when you need it. However, some companies look beyond these scores and offer poor credit personal loans for those who need it.

Your borrowing options can also be affected in other ways. Some lenders might require you to secure your loan against an asset such as your house. You may also have to deal with higher interest rates. When it comes to borrowing, a low credit score is also better.

Buying/Renting Accommodation

A poor credit score can also affect your living options. You might have trouble getting a mortgage, and some real estate agents may also be hesitant to deal with you. It’s not impossible to buy a home with a bad credit score, but you might still have to deal with higher down payments.

It can also affect your renting options. Landlords may not wish to rent to someone with a bad credit score. It gives the impression that they’ll be late with payments or be unable to make them. Once again, it won’t be impossible to find somewhere to rent. But your options will be limited, and you may have to settle for somewhere much less desirable.

It can even make your holidays more expensive. People might be hesitant to rent holiday homes to you. You might also have to deal with higher deposit fees.

Higher Insurance Costs

Insurance costs are one of the most crippling expenses for most people. Car insurance can take a significant chunk out of your income. Home insurance can also be expensive. These costs can be even higher when you have a poor credit score.

Car insurers take many factors into account when calculating your costs. Your age, the time you’ve been driving, and your car can all have an effect. Many insurers will also check your credit rating. If you have a bad credit history, you may be charged more, or they may refuse to insure you.

The same also applies to other kinds of insurance. You might be able to get a better deal by using an insurance broker. But suffice it to say, it’s always better to have a higher credit score.