
How to Get Your Child to Learn More About Real Estate

Teaching can be fairly easy when it comes to your first few years as a parent. You’re taking care of your little one, you’re letting them develop their own interests, and on top of that you’re teaching them the basic things such as ABC and counting to ten. While the theory of teaching and taking care of children sound simple, in practice, it can be quite challenging of course. But as your child navigates through life, they’ll learn more about how to survive once they reach adulthood so they can thrive.  While school can teach plenty of life lessons to your children, one thing they don’t teach is real estate.

Real estate and real estate investing are important. It needs to be known and understood so adults can purchase their first house. But property value isn’t the only thing either, interest, mortgage, banks, savings, and overall financial health also play a major impact in this as well. These are things that aren’t exactly covered in school, quite possibly in college as well.  So, how can you teach this to your little one? How can you get them to understand the importance of financial health and the impact of real estate? These helpful tips may be all you need to get started on this journey.

Why is it so important to teach children about real estate?

Many people think that it is not a good idea to teach their kids about real estate because they want them to have a carefree childhood. While that’s understandable, a child has to learn so they can make smart decisions once they reach adulthood. Besides, there are many benefits to learning about real estate at a young age. Children who are taught about real estate at an early age are more likely to purchase their first home before the age of 30.

Start by teaching them the value of a dollar

Children believe that money is an infinite source, that there doesn’t need to be any work, trade, or anything in order to receive it. It’s natural for kids, especially small kids to have their train of thought. So, what can be done? First, begin by teaching them that money is a scarce resource and it’s not something that their parents can pull out of thin air.  You just need to find an age-appropriate way to get them to understand, and one of the classic ways is through chores.  Getting them to understand money at a young age is going to ensure financial wellbeing.

Letting them work for the money will also let them know that there needs to be some sort of trade to get money. It also teaches them that if they want something, they will need to work for it, and it also teaches them that the things they have, are thanks to their parents working for it.  It takes a little while to teach, but kids will eventually get the understanding.

Let them play video games

While real estate is something that can be difficult to grasp for someone at any age, the sooner, the better. So teaching it to them at a young age will be optimal. If you love video games, then this could be a great and engaging way to have some fun with your child while also teaching them about real estate.  There are plenty of video games that are out that do teach basic economics, financial health, and real estate. You, of course, will want to choose a game that can nicely reflect on your child’s age.

While The Sims franchise can be a great option if you have a tween to teenager, for the younger kids you could opt-in to playing Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon. This family fun bonding time can be one of the best ways to get your kid interested in real estate.

Get them involved

If you’re a property owner, why not talk about your property with your little one? You can explain the ways that you’re working towards raising the value of the property (such as home renovations or curb appeal), but if you have multiple properties, you can get them involved in that as well.  This can include letting them look at a lodger agreement template for your tenants, but you can even teach them the odds and ends of how you invest.

 Children are visual learners, so getting them to learn all about this up-close and personal can be a great way to get them to understand all about it. So just bring them along when you’re working on boosting property value, managing money for your real estate, and when you’re hunting for real estate to buy. It can be a great educational experience for them. 

How Your Home Can Increase Your Income

With the cost of living rising and many people’s finances being pushed to the limit, it is unsurprising that an additional income is an appealing idea for many people. Everyone would like the opportunity to earn more money and give their finances a boost. But, other than working extra hours at your current job, knowing how to make more money can be challenging. One money-making opportunity you may not have considered is earning money from your home. If you own your property, you could be in the perfect position to start making some extra cash. If you are interested in earning money from your home, here are some options to consider:

Sell Your Land

If your home is set on a spacious plot, you may be in a position to sell some of this land and enjoy some healthy earnings from it. Many real estate developers seek out plots that can be used to build new residential and commercial developments, so if you have land that you are not using, this could be a great way to earn some money. Companies such as NFC Homes are continually looking for land that could be used for development, so it could be worth looking into this further. 

Get a Lodger

Renting out a room can be a great way to earn extra cash if you have plenty of space but do not want to downsize to a smaller property. A few options are available if you have a spare room; renting it out to a lodger could provide you with a steady monthly income. If you live in the city, you may be able to rent it out as weekday accommodation to a professional person who works in the city and wants to avoid a long commute. Alternatively, you could opt for a long-term rental agreement and rent the room to a full-time tenant. Another option to consider is to use your spare room as accommodation for international students; many people make by renting rooms to students for several weeks each year.

Rent Out Storage Space

Renting out your garage or another outbuilding at your property could be a great way to make extra money each month if you do not use it yourself. Having enough space for their belongings is something that many people struggle with, so if you have some extra space at your home, you could put this to use. But, before you rent it out, don’t forget to check for any insurance implications it may have if there was a break-in or damage to the property that is being stored.

Let Your Driveway

If you live in an area close to town, near a sports ground, or a major employer, you could have a lucrative opportunity ready and waiting for you. Many people struggle to find parking when they need it, especially for work, so renting out your driveway is an excellent way for you to put it to use and earn some extra cash in the process.

A Simple Money Management System

The definition of financial wellbeing is a feeling of certainty and empowerment around your money, both now and for the future. Setting up an effective yet simple money management system is certainly one way of helping to achieve that and gaining valuable peace of mind at the same time.

Can you image a beautifully organised walk-in wardrobe? With a place for all your clothes, shoes, bags and more. For me something like the Great Gatsby, comes to mind, with all his shirts and suits perfectly tidy and organised.

Now imagine the opposite, all your belongings just thrown into a pile or dumped into an inflatable paddling pool. Every morning you rummage through trying to find a matching sock, or a top which is not too obviously un-ironed. If this feels a little extreme just picture a typical teenager’s room to get the idea.

Its safe to assume that most of us would prefer door number 1, the organised, systematic and tidy system for the ease, comfort and certainty it brings.

After this detour into home makeovers, you may be asking what has this got to do with personal finance? Allow me to explain…

A Simple Money Management System - image of a tidy dressing room / wardrobe

In many cases our bank accounts and financial lives are more like the paddling pool than the tidy, well-ordered system.

Money comes in and flows out but we are not entirely sure how much or to where. There are direct debits and standing orders, credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay and who knows what else. All in the big paddling pool and we hope that the important bills are paid and there’s a little money left at the end of the month.

Surely there is a better, less stressful way?

The first step is to know your numbers. This was explained in a previous post, so if you haven’t read that one yet you might like to catch up when you can.

But assuming you have a pretty good understanding of how much you earn and how much you spend, here is a 3 step plan for an effective yet simple money management system.

  1. Additional Bank Accounts

Opening an additional bank account can be easily achieved by either contacting your existing provider or perhaps opening a new one with one of the online banks such as Revolut or Starling. (If you are listening outside the UK – firstly hello and secondly there will be equivalent banks local to you). I suggest having 2 current accounts plus a savings account.

2. Pay Yourself First

Rather than waiting until the end of the month and hoping there is a little money left to move to savings, after all the bills and everyone else has been paid, make yourself a priority.

I am going to suggest you set up an automated transfer for two amounts. The first is for savings, the second for Walking Around Money. Let’s concentrate on savings first. Take a proportion of your income and move it to a new or existing savings account.

How much, well that depends on your circumstances. In some ways the habit is more important than the actual amount. Because you are showing yourself and the universe that you are now taking control of your finances and honouring your financial future by paying yourself first.

As a rule of thumb aim for 10% of your monthly income, more if you can but less is ok if that is what your current circumstances will allow.

The second transfer is for your Walking Around Money, or WAM. This is discretionary income which is not already allocated for bills, food or credit card repayments for example.

Again, knowing your numbers is crucial here because by understanding how much you need to cover your monthly costs, you will also know how much you have left to spend as you please.

You can transfer your WAM either monthly or weekly to your newly minted second bank account. Then only use this account for your day to day spending, secure in the knowledge that it will be topped up again at the end of the week.

3. Using Your Primary Bank Account

Your original bank account is used to receive your monthly salary and from it you pay all your bills and regular expenses. You feel secure knowing that all your expenses are covered and automated. Then you can leave that account to happily run along in the background, with just the occasional check to make sure you have included everything and there is always a small positive balance.

Meanwhile you have a growing savings account thanks to your regular contributions and a weekly allowance which you are free to spend as you like.

So there you are an effective yet simple money management system that you can have up and running in less than an hour but will save you time, effort and worry for years to come.

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