
3 Hacks to Owning a Car on a Tight Budget

Post COVID-19 recovery phase is a survival for the fittest era where everyone is needed to adjust their lives to fit the new norm. Among the many problems facing people today, lack of finances tops the list.

Despite this, one has to do whatever is possible to meet their daily needs. Owning a car has become a necessity in the 21st century due to its crucial role in people’s lives. It is thus unfortunate for anyone forced to buy or change their car during these hard economic times.

But all is not lost. If your needs don’t allow you to wait for times to get better to get a car, implement these three simple strategies, and you will own a car within no time.

Go for Used Vehicles

Today, thanks to technological advancement and modernization, people are changing cars faster than ever before and as such, getting a quality and reliable second hand car is no longer a challenge. All you have to do is visit your nearest car supermarket and select from the wide variety of vehicles available.

3 Hacks to Owning a Car on a Tight Budget - smiling couple sitting in a car
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Used cars generally cost lower and have less insurance and maintenance costs. Moreover, opting for this option ensures you make an informed decision before purchasing the vehicle. This is through reading on other people’s experiences with the said vehicle through the reviews.   

You will need to practice patience and do thorough research to purchase a good quality used car. Make sure to follow all the rules, such as having the car first checked by a mechanic before purchasing it. Doing this will save you from a lot of agonies that may befall you later.

Consider a Cheaper Vehicle

Purchasing a used vehicle may not be part of your vocabulary, but this should not stop you from owning a car. There still exist new quality cars that cost way less.

Start by evaluating the vehicle’s main purpose and look around to identify what car model will satisfy and meet your immediate needs. You do not have to go for that car with magnificent features that will cost you a dime when a car with similar simple features serves the same purpose.

Some things to worry you should be safety enhancement features, maintenance costs, and the engine. If this is in good condition, go ahead and purchase the vehicle.

Renting a Vehicle Could Save You Money

If you need to use the car once or occasionally, such as when traveling as a family, you can decide to rent out a car instead of purchasing one. This method will keep you away from insurance and maintenance costs.

Therefore there is no need to demean yourself for not owning a car when you can use a rental car to run your errands. Besides, it’s more comfortable and faster to travel via rental cars than public means.

Parting Shot

Purchasing a car is one of the major investments in life. Apart from the money involved, it requires proper planning and in-depth prior research. If a lack of money has been killing your dream of owning a car, rise and dust yourself as the above three strategies will have you driving your car within the shortest time possible.

Why Knowledge Is Power In Business

The saying ‘knowledge is power’ is one that is proffered up plenty, but for those who are just starting out, entrepreneurs who are coming to the idea of business later in life, perhaps, the idea that knowledge is power can be a confusing one. When you think about it carefully though, it does make sense; the more you know, the better you can be at running your business, and the more you can grow that business in the future. But there is more to the idea than this simplistic explanation; read on to find out what we mean.

Why Knowledge Is Power In Business - education chalkboard image
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Knowledge Removes Fear 

Starting a business is not easy, and it can bring with it a lot of worry, stress, even fear. This is perfectly normal, of course, especially if you’ve never done anything like it before. Most of the time, the excitement of what you are doing will help to counteract at least some of the worries, and with a good plan in place to launch and build your business, that fear will eventually disappear. 

The problem is that the longer that fear stays, the less likely it is you’ll want to build your business as you’ll be happier staying at the level you are. The longer that fear stays, the less likely it will be that you want to try anything new which would have the potential for great success. Fear holds you back, so you’ll want to reduce it or eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Knowledge will allow you to do this. If you are knowledgeable about marketing, you’ll be more confident in creating a marketing campaign that will bring you more customers. If you are knowledgeable about your target market, you’ll be more confident in trying new products that you know they will like. If you are knowledgeable in easy restaurant accounting, then you can see exactly how much profit you’re making and decide on what to do next thanks to those figures. The list is endless, and some online study, a night-class, or simply reading up on the subject can be all it takes to give you the knowledge you’re looking for. 

Knowledge Brings Confidence 

To run a business successfully, you need to be confident in what you are doing. This relates not just to the products and services you are selling, but to the way you are running the business overall as well. 

The more knowledge you have about how your business works, the more motivated you will be to let others know, and the more confidence you will have in what you are saying. Therefore, even if you outsource some elements of your business, or you have employees who carry out some of the tasks, it is wise to learn as much as you can about the jobs that you don’t do as well as the ones you do. When you do that, you can truly position yourself as an expert in your field, showing any potential customers or clients that you know exactly what you are talking about and that you are the one they should come to for advice (and purchases). 

Knowledge Gives You Opportunities 

When you run a business, you must always be on the lookout for opportunities for growth and expansion. Whether it’s a new product to the market that you can start selling before your competitors (perhaps even becoming the exclusive license holder), a business partner who can help boost the business or a new method of marketing that is going to help you find the right people to sell to, you must constantly be aware of what is happening and what new ideas are coming your way. 

This requires knowledge. If you don’t have knowledge, you won’t know which opportunities are going to be right for you and your business. If you don’t have knowledge, you might not even spot those opportunities at all because you just won’t know what to look out for. The more you know, the easier it will be to see new ideas and new paths to take. 


It’s clear that knowledge is, indeed, power in business. Having knowledge about your own business and about the business world in general is going to help you become much more successful and, ultimately, happier. 

Knowledge is something that can be gained in many forms, and applying to take a degree might work for one person whereas listening to lectures from an expert in the industry might be better for others. Once you know the best way for you to gain knowledge you can really start to make a difference in your life.