


Artificial intelligence has enormous potential for financial services – but ethical challenges, a skills gap and market vulnerabilities pose risks that the industry must confront. These include biases leading to discrimination against some customers and increased danger of ‘flash crashes’, which could be amplified by inter-connections to pose a systemic threat. These judgements form part of a new report from the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, an independent London-based think-tank.

The authors, Keyur Patel, research associate at the CSFI and co-author of its ‘Banana Skins’ risk reports, and Marshall Lincoln, a Silicon Valley AI expert, interviewed a wide range of AI and ML specialists, financial practitioners, risk managers and regulators for the report. With AI and machine learning (ML) set to become ubiquitous, they found that some risks are inherent in the new technology, while others stem from a lack of human understanding and preparedness. The full report can be found here.


AI is fundamentally different from traditional forms of automation.

The report identifies three principal ‘risk drivers’:

  • Opacity and complexity: A trade-off at the heart of many AI models is that the more effective the algorithms, the more difficult they are to scrutinise.
  • Distancing of humans from decision making: AI is different from previous ‘rule-based’ forms of automation because it enables many actions to be taken without explicit instruction.
  • Changing incentive structures: The benefits to successful firms and the risks of getting left behind create powerful incentives to implement AI solutions faster than may be warranted.

ML models are just as fallible as rule-based ones.

  • New ethical challenges include algorithmic biases that could lead to discriminatory practices. These biases can be extremely difficult to root out because ML excels at finding complex ‘hidden’ relationships in data.
  • A purported benefit of AI is that it dispassionately draws conclusions from data, without prejudice. In practice, however, the beliefs and values of the people who build the models affect the outcomes.
  • AI systems can perform poorly in previously unencountered situations – potentially amplifying the impact of “black swan” events.

ML-driven solutions may undermine social benefits.

  • In insurance, greater risk differentiation could lead to high-risk individuals being priced out of the market, even though they may be the ones most in need of insurance.
  • ML’s ability to combine data on individuals from diverse sources might challenge our concept of fairness, as well as raising privacy concerns.
  • More personalised financial products could come at the expense of price transparency.

AI could contribute to a future financial crisis.

  • One trigger might be a particularly sharp “flash crash”, where many interconnected AI trading programs react in the same way to some market event.
  • A second might be an event that undermines public faith in the financial system, such as a coordinated cyber-attack crippling critical IT infrastructure.
  • A third relates to financial institutions using AI for risk management. How will ML-powered models trained on data when market volatility was low react to extremely rare ‘black swan’ events?

A pronounced skills gap ratchets up the risks of AI implementation.

  • Financial institutions might become dangerously over-reliant on specialists with highly technical skill sets that decision-makers do not sufficiently understand. There are parallels here with the industry’s uncritical trust in quantitative analysts in the lead-up to the global financial crisis.
  • There is a global shortage of people who can design, deploy and maintain AI systems. Hiring expert programmers who lack financial services knowledge increases the risk of poor outcomes.
  • Decision makers at financial institutions typically do not know how AI works and fail to grasp its limitations. This could lead to inflated expectations and a failure to make effective use of the models’ output, or to boards signing off on decisions without understanding the implications.
  • Other managerial weaknesses might lead to a lack of accountability, the implementation of individual solutions that do not work together and expensive duplication of effort. It may take institutions longer to accomplish less at greater cost, and expose them to security and compliance risks.

The proliferation of AI could fundamentally change market dynamics

  • ‘Fintech’ challengers that use AI most effectively could take advantage of data network effects to dominate markets. Even without explicit anti-competitive behaviour, this might make it difficult for others to compete effectively.
  • AI could lead to new forms of interconnectedness in financial markets at the IT systems level, increasing the probability of flash crashes. Financial institutions could become over-dependent on a few third-party tech providers, making them vulnerable to single points of failure.
  • Regulators will face new challenges in determining which institutions fall under the scope of financial services regulation, as more non-traditional firms challenge incumbents and lines between sectors become blurred. They must also protect competition in financial markets, while acknowledging that AI needs scale to be effective.

Outcomes depend upon humans, not machines

It is becoming increasingly common for financial practitioners to work with AI and ML. This means that they – and particularly decision-makers – must be able to critically evaluate these technologies. Their ubiquitous deployment will have consequences for consumers, institutions and the stability of the financial system. A decade after the global financial crisis, the world is still grappling with the ramifications of the industry’s embrace of complex financial instruments. Any comparisons to be made with the impact of AI are speculative, but the parallels should not be dismissed out of hand.

The report also discusses the potential benefits of AI in financial services, which include facilitating the ‘democratisation’ of the industry and offering major improvements in security, compliance and risk management. The authors argue that these benefits are compelling but focus their analysis on risks because of the hype around new technologies. The report was produced with support from Swiss Re and Endava


Getting On Top Of Your Personal Finances

Have you looked at your bank balance recently and been hit with a sense of sheer panic? You are probably not alone, money worries are unfortunately all too common. It often seems that money just flies out just as quickly as it comes in. 

Living hand-to-mouth is no kind of existence, and if you are worried about spiraling debts and the fact that you may not be able to pay the bills at the end of the month, then it is time to give your finances a review and take back control of them. 

Getting On Top Of Your Personal Finances - growing money jar debts image
Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

Examine Your Current Expenditure

You may turn a blind eye to the money that goes out of your bank account each month. Sometimes it is easier to ignore it and hope that it sorts itself out. Sadly, this is not something that is likely to happen, and you need to take control of the situation before it consumes you. 

Sit down with your bank statements and work out all of your regular outgoings. List them all and then prioritize them based on the type of outgoing that it is. High priorities will include things like your rent or mortgage payments. Any debts that you owe should also be high on your agenda. 

Lower down the list should be the things that you could do without. So this may include your subscriptions to the gym, or streaming services like Spotify, or Netflix. 

Then you need to work out what you spend each month on food and transport and create a monthly maximum spend for these areas. 

If you find that your outgoings don’t match up with your income you will need to make cutbacks The low priority luxuries should be the first thing to go. 

Switch Your Services

Very often, you may find that you are paying out too much for some of the services that you have. Things like car insurances can creep up every year, so it is important to shop around for a new quote and change your provider.

Similarly, your utility providers will also tend to up their prices without you really noticing. When it comes to your gas, electric, phone, and broadband bills, you may be able to save yourself some money by shopping around and switching to new providers. You should realistically aim to do this every year to keep on top of the best deals. 

Consolidate All Of Your Debts

If you have multiple debts across a number of different companies, you will be paying out several lots of interest. Having several credit cards and loans can mean that you are constantly juggling your debt and you may not really be reducing the overall size of it. 

You should aim to consolidate all of your debt into one single loan, with an affordable monthly repayment. Work out the shortest length of time that you can affordably pay off all of your debt in, and then make sure that you cancel your credit cards once the balance is cleared by the loan. 


How To Invest In Yourself And Your Future

When it comes to investment, there cannot be any guarantees. If we make this investment in ourselves; however, the ROI is sure to be amazing. 

One of the most important things we can ever do is invest in ourselves and our future. Today we are going to look at a few ways to self invest and see just how it can help. 

How To Invest In Yourself And Your Future - image of girl on mountain top, freedom success celebration
Photo by Nina Uhlíková from Pexels

Be Your Own Financial Boss

One of the best ways to invest in yourself is to get that spending under control and get to a point where you are debt-free.

While this may seem like an impossibility, it’s rather achievable with a little will power and brain application. When looking at becoming debt-free, we should be looking at realistic goals, technically a mortgage is a debt, but it’s more of an investment, so don’t include this in your debt-free journey.

Your two aims when it comes to being your financial boss should be, chipping away at your debts and also having enough money put away to achieve your dreams.

To get to this point, you should look at making realistic cutbacks on things you don’t need, and this will free up more cash than you can imagine. You should also make sure you take care of stressful issues like life insurance, payment protection insurance and even a funeral plan. Taking care of these will make sure that your efforts aren’t wasted and even in the worst-case scenario, cremations or funerals are taken care of.

Never Stop Learning

We all go through stages in life where we aren’t as productive as we used to be. This is why it’s essential to take in as much knowledge as humanly possible.

It is also important to remember that you are never too old to learn something new. If there is something you have always wanted to learn to do, it is never too late to get out there and start learning now. 

It is far easier to master a task today as we have a wealth of technology available at our fingertips, and we can quickly find all the information we need with a simple search. Enhancing your current skill set will do so much for your mind and your future. As far as personal investments go, this is one of the best.

Find Solid Investments

As we get older, it’s important to have as many income sources as possible. This is where the importance of investment can be incredible for you.

One of the most popular forms of investment is property and should you have the means to invest, you really should. Finding a property that can be let out and leaving it in the hands of a property management company can be a sound investment.

Making an investment of this magnitude may not be for everybody, but one thing is for sure, the return you get will be one of the best investments you can make for your future.
