
Credit Score: What Really Does and (Doesn’t) Matter

Credit Score: What Really Does and (Doesn’t) Matter

Your credit score can impact whether you’re approved to open credit cards in your name, or if you can secure student loans, auto financing or home loans at competitive rates. Your credit score may even determine whether you’re approved to rent an apartment or secure a job with certain employers.

Here’s a look at how which factors in your financial life play a role in how your credit score is calculated, and which aspects of it may never play a role in your credit score.

How Your Credit Scores Are Calculated

FICO and VantageScore are two of the most popular credit scores — but since many credit scores are industry-specific, you may have more than 50 possible credit scores. Those scores may vary slightly, but most are based on a few specific pieces of criteria, including:

• Payment history. Hopefully, you will never miss a payment. If you do, pay what you owe as soon as you realize the due date has passed. The longer your payment becomes past due and the more frequently you miss the payments, the more negatively they may impact your credit score. Missed payments could remain on your credit report for several years.

• Balances on your credit accounts. The amounts of your account balances are the second most important factor in your credit score calculation. High credit balances (compared to your available credit line) may cause lenders to believe you are a higher-risk borrower who is financially reliant on credit.

• The length of your credit history. The longer you’ve owned credit in your name, the more beneficial it may be to your credit score. The credit or loan accounts you’ve owned the longest may contribute the most to a positive credit score.

• New credit. If you apply for and/or open too many new accounts in a short period of time, it may negatively impact your credit score. (This is true even if you apply for a new credit card account at a store to receive a store discount, and never intend to use the card).

• Your credit mix. Credit cards are considered revolving credit: You are given a line of credit, and choose how much of it you use. Once you make a payment, you’ll have more available credit (up to your credit line). A car, student or home loan, is an installment account; you don’t have the ability to borrow more just because you’ve made a payment. Your credit score may be positively impacted when you own a mixture of both types of credit.

What Is (Usually) Not Included in Your Credit Score

Your credit score helps lenders, creditors, landlords and some employers see how much risk they might take on by doing business with you, based on how you’ve managed credit. When your credit history and credit scores are positive, you may be offered more competitive rates and terms on loans and credit products.

That said, a creditor or lender must report account information to the credit bureaus in order for it to appear on your credit history (which then factors into your credit score). For that reason, you may have financial accounts that will never show on credit report, including:

• Your debit card activity. A debit card draws funds from your bank account when you make a purchase. It is not a line of credit, and isn’t reported to the credit bureaus or included in your credit score.

• Monthly utility, rent or cellphone bills. Many utility providers or landlords will not report monthly account activity to a credit bureau — unless you don’t pay, and the account is turned over to a collections agency. (In turn, the collections agency may report the unpaid account to the credit bureaus, which could negatively impact your credit score).

• Your income. The income you earn is not included in your credit history, or part of your credit score.

• Your spouse’s credit activity (unless it’s on a shared/joint account). Your credit history (and credit score) is based on your social security number. Even if you get married, you maintain your own credit history and credit score.

Credit scores can be complicated, but when you separate the facts from the myths, you’re empowered to take the necessary steps to build a positive credit score. Use these basic tips to start taking control of your credit — and your financial life.

Author bio: Pamela Coleman is Executive Director of Furniture and Mattresses at Conn’s HomePlus, a 125-year-old consumer goods retailer headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas, with expertise in international and domestic buying, category management, product development and sourcing.


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Are You Doing Everything You Can To Save Tax?

Are You Doing Everything You Can To Save Tax?

It’s said that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. Although it’s true that everyone can expect to pay taxes in some form or another during their lifetimes, within the framework of our tax system, there still are a lot of uncertainties. For example, depending on how you crunch the numbers, the average federal tax paid by an American household is either about $9,600 or about $14,600. There’s a lot of variance among tax filings. Yours may be significantly different, depending on the steps you take when filing. Many Americans file their taxes without taking all of the deductions and credits to which they are entitled. As a result, they may pay much more than necessary. Read on to discover ways in which you could save tax.

Everyone’s situation is unique. With the recent tax reform bill that was just signed into law, the tax structure is much different today than it was a year ago. That means, it’s extremely important for individuals filing taxes to seek expert advice from experienced and knowledgeable tax professionals in their area. In general, however, there are many details that the average taxpayer may not remember to do when filing his or her taxes that may result in lower tax bills or larger refunds.

For example, most American taxpayers don’t claim all possible exemptions and credits. These may include child-related tax credits. Other actions that could have a positive impact on your tax bill include participating in a flex spending account, planning for retirement savings or participating in education savings plans. Simply by remembering to look for these items and including them in your tax return filing, you could save yourself a significant amount of money. When preparing your tax return for 2018, remember these and other tips and strategies for reducing your tax burden found in the checklist below. Combined with expert advice from seasoned tax professionals, your next tax return may be much less painful than last year’s. Paying taxes may be unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do all you can to save the most money the next time you pay.






Tax Savings Guide by Mowery and Schoenfeld http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/zaym-na-kartu_migcredit.html

Monetizing Your Home

The technical wizardry of the 21st century has afforded ordinary people a plethora of intriguing and inventive way to make a little extra money alongside the income from their job or business earnings. Many use money making apps that allow you to accumulate pocket money through such quotidian practices as going to the gym, filling out surveys or simply doing their weekly shop. Yet more take to eBay, Gumtree or Craigslist to make money from the forgotten relics of the household that would otherwise sit gathering dust. It seems that every minute of spare time and every instrument of clutter is a money making resource in this day and age, yet many are unaware that they’re sitting on (or rather in) a potentially huge money spinner… The home.

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Image by Flickr

With a little imagination and a digital helping hand, millions of people all over the world are making a steady stream of passive income by monetizing their homes by…

Decluttering your bookshelf

A neat row of books aligned on a beautifully polished shelf can really tie a home’s look together, but a messy bookcase teeming with mismatched tomes is a borderline eyesore. Plus, how many of them will you actually take the time to reread. You may think that putting these books on eBay is the way to go, yet the online auction is not necessarily the best place to find bibliophiles, especially if you’re selling more esoteric books like textbooks. You may have far more luck selling your old university textbooks on Bookscouter.

Get paid while you vacay

If you anticipate leaving your home unattended for a period of time, join the legions of people who put their homes on AirBnB. This allows people to stay in your home for a predetermined period of time on their vacations while you go about your own. If you’re concerned about management or security there are specific and easy AirBnB management services that can ensure that your home is in safe hands while your rental income is maximized.

If you live in an apartment, however, ensure that the building management company that owns your building is permissive of this. Even if you own your apartment, you could still be in violation of your building’s conditions.

Let out your parking space

If you’ve made a home for yourself in a bustling city centre apartment, chances are you don’t own a car. Why would you, when you have your place of work and a host of amenities right here on your doorstep. Yet the unused parking space that came with your apartment will be of tremendous value to the legions of commuters out there who are sick of paying the going rate for city centre parking. List your space on ParqEx and watch the lucre roll in.

Don’t waste your space

Space isn’t an absence, it’s a useful commodity. If you have storage space like a spare room or attic space that’s currently sitting unused, it can be of tremendous interest to the legions out there with nowhere to put their winter tyres or their college age kids’ bedroom furniture. Lease your empty space out on apps like STOW It and watch that passive income roll in to help pay for your retirement!


Moving House: The Affordable Approach

If you and your little ones are planning a big move this year; it’s important to keep things as stress-free and as affordable as possible during each step of the way. Your kids are like sponges, and they will no doubt be absorbing your approach to spending and saving as you navigate through the property selling and buying process. There will be far more than simply exchanging the money needed for your next home, and receiving whatever you can for your current abode, so it’s worth a little extra effort when it comes to preparing and planning ahead.

A happy and straightforward moving process is something that you can get the whole family involved in. They’ll learn a little about each stage of selling and buying, and the work that goes into a successful moving day, so don’t be fearful of explaining what is happening to them. If there are particular financial consequences to certain actions, especially positive ones; share and explain them so that you can instil some great values and knowledge surrounding the cost of moving house, property, and real estate in general. Who knows; you might just spark an interest in a budding property tycoon of the future! The following are some things to consider if you’re about to pop up the for sale sign and want to save cash where you can as you’re heading out on your exciting property adventure together.

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Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/home-real-estate-106399/

Research And Sourcing

If you head towards the first estate agent or property legal team that you see; you’re unlikely to be able to save much money at the beginning of the process. However, doing some thorough online research, and sourcing more affordable options to suit your family, will ensure that the process doesn’t leave you broke. Therefore, it’s worth checking out some conveyancing quotes online as a starting point, and you can figure out the extra cash you’ll need to put aside to pay for everything. There are also options to sell your own home now, which will get rid of hefty agent fees, so that’s another area to consider if you’re willing to put in the work. You’ll need to balance what’s most important to you and your family in regards to time, money, and effort along the way, so the sooner you get started, the better.

A Bit Of DIY

The do it yourself approach will save you money throughout selling and buying a home, and the process of moving along the way. Therefore, it’s worth figuring out what you’ll be able to do without hiring anyone to help. If a survey comes back on a house that needs crucial renovation, rewiring, or a multitude of other work; work out if you’d be able to fix any problems yourself before moving day rolled around or as soon as you all moved in. In regards to removal costs; you could consider the packing process as soon as you know you’re moving and renting a storage unit near your new home so that you can do the majority yourself. Again, it’s about weighing up what will cost more time, money, and effort than you’re willing to spend, and going from there. http://credit-n.ru/blog-listing.html

Spending Habits That Your Kids Must Never Pick Up

Children are easily influenced during their early years. This is mainly because they don’t know better and they draw inspiration from the things around them. They’ll look at their parents and friends to learn how they should interact with the world, and it’s important that you instil good habits into your children from an early age.

With technological advances and the internet being more open and accessible, spending habits are a major concern among children. There are many horror stories of children spending thousands on smartphone and tablet games and apps because they don’t know better. It doesn’t help that apps now make it easy for you to make multiple back-to-back purchases and there’s virtually no protection unless you enable the child locks. Even then, it’s easy to make mistakes and your children need to be protected from these types of bad spending habits. To help you out, we’ve put together some useful advice that will help you teach your children better spending habits.

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Image: Pexels

Teach your children about finances as early as possible

You could run some games or exercises with your children that teach them about money and debt. It might be a difficult concept for them to understand, but with a bit of teaching and patience, it’s possible to teach kids good financial habits from an early age. However, this does mean that you need to be firm and vigilant with how you spend on them.

No more spoiling

Don’t use your kids as an excuse to make large purchases because this will only spoil them. Many parents don’t realize that spoiling your children is a quick way to teach them poor financial habits. It doesn’t matter if it’s sweets, a soft toy or the latest electronic gadgets–you need to be firm with them and stop them from coercing you into buying them extra things. Instead, encourage spending on meaningful things such as extracurricular activities, classroom equipment or extra study material. Teach your kids the difference between good and bad spending and you’ll be surprised at how mature they can be at a young age.

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Image: Pexels

Taking money too lightly

If possible, teach your children early on about what it takes to make money. Whether it’s applying for loans online or digging into your bank account with the auto-saved details, your children may start to take money lightly because they can see how easily you obtain it. While getting an online loan can be positive and beneficial, it’s still important to teach your children that money is not easy to obtain and it doesn’t grow on trees. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to obtain and it’s important they understand this at an early age.

Some final words

As mentioned at the beginning, children are easy to influence. What you teach them at an early age will stick with them forever, so instil some good financial habits into them from an early age and balance how you spoil them so that it doesn’t become the norm. http://credit-n.ru/blog-single-tg.html