
Myths About Making a Compensation Claim

Myths About Making a Compensation Claim - tablet with compensation image

Image source – http://www.thebluediamondgallery.com/tablet/images/compensation.jpg

If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, and you are thinking about making a claim for compensation, it is important to do your research first. A lot of people make the error of diving right in without really knowing anything about the claims process. With that being said, read on to discover some of the most common myths regarding compensation claims so that you can separate the lies from the truth.

Myth #1 – You can claim whenever you want – This is one of the most common myths believed by people when it comes to making a claim. In fact, the sooner you claim the better, as you can see in one of our recent blog posts at http://www.thefinancialfairytales.com/. In most cases, there is a three-year time limit on claims. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, which is why it is not worth taking any risks. For example, for criminal injuries, you may only have two years. On the other hand, if you have been the victim of an industrial injury and you cannot pinpoint an accident date, you will have three years from the date of your diagnosis instead.

Myth #2 – You can claim without seeing a doctor – This is another myth that could jeopardise your entire case if you believe it. A lot of people hate nothing more than having to go to hospital. Therefore, when they sustain a minor injury, they attempt to look after themselves. They avoid a trip to the doctor’s office and they simply rest up at home and allow themselves to go better in this way. Not only is this not advisable for your health, but it can also have a damaging impact on the chances of your claim being a success too. This is because the medical report that your doctor puts together is the most important piece of evidence in any claim. This report will state the injuries you have suffered, how long it will take for you to get back to full health, if indeed you will, as well as your recommended course of treatment and any medication you need to take. This will then be used to determine how much compensation you will receive.

Myth #3 – All personal injury solicitors are the same – As is the case with all services, there are different levels in terms of the quality provided. The same applies when it comes to personal injury solicitors. You need a company that has a lot of experience and the capacity to handle a case of your magnitude and nature. It’s also important to look for a business like www.lawsonlegal.com.au who represents clients in a holistic manner in regards to their needs. Aside from this, you need to take the time to read reviews that have been left by previous personal injury victims as well to make sure the legal firm has a good reputation.

Myth #4 – You cannot claim if you were a passenger in the offending vehicle – A lot of people assume that they will not be able to make a claim for compensation if they were injured in a road traffic accident and they were in the offending vehicle. So long as you did not cause the accident, you can still make a claim. For example, if you were a passenger in the vehicle of a driver who was speeding and crashed, and you sustained whiplash because of this, you would have grounds for compensation. In fact, even if you were partly responsible, you may be entitled to a payout. Nonetheless, the amount you receive will be lower to reflect your involvement.

Myth #5 – No Win, No Fee guarantees you won’t pay a penny – This does depend on the legal firm you work with. Some legal firms are true to their word and No Win, No Fee, therefore, means that you are only going to pay legal fees if your case is successful. Nonetheless, there are some companies that still do implement small charges even though they follow the No Win, No Fee approach. This is why you need to read the terms and conditions of your contract before proceeding.

As you can see, there is a lot of misinformation on the Internet these days, but hopefully you now have a better understanding regarding what is the truth and what isn’t. This should make you feel more prepared for launching your compensation claim and getting the payout you are entitled to. http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/moneyman-srochnye-zaimy-online.html

Defeating The Villains Of The Financial Business Fairy Tale

Any fairytale needs a hero and a villain. Neither can exist without the other, and there have been some fantastic villains. You’ve got the obligatory evil stepmother, the snow queen, and even the big bad wolf. Any one of which is sure to send shivers down your spine.

Sad to say, such villains don’t only exist in books. There are many real-world villains, too. They make themselves known in the criminal, political, and even financial world. If we had our way, there would be no bad guys when it comes to finances. But, that’s rarely the case. Both our personal and business finances go up against the baddies. This can be tough enough with private finances, but when your business is up against it, the risks are even more substantial. That is unless you find a way to defeat those baddies. Which is precisely what we’re going to look at here.

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The first financial villain is debt. It makes itself known, even in the business world. There’s no way to start an enterprise without borrowing, or spending, a significant amount. Of course, that isn’t an issue if  profits cover the cost. But, if your business takes a while to get off the ground, debt can get out of control. When you’re failing to pay large amounts, there’s a risk that your company could go bankrupt. To make sure that doesn’t happen, it’s essential to get a grip on finances. Cut costs and do your utmost to meet payments. If there is a delay, talk to the company in question. With open communication, it’s likely you’ll be able to reach an agreement. If you keep quiet about your troubles, however,  you’ll soon find yourself in a bad situation.

Bad credit

In many ways, bad credit is debt’s right-hand-man. If you miss payments, you can be sure that bad credit will follow. And, this can make life difficult in many ways. For one, it’s a black mark against your business. On top of which, this will make it difficult to get a loan down the line. The good news is that there are still options out there. With a fast business loan, bad credit doesn’t have to ruin your options. What’s more, keeping up with payments on this second loan can improve your credit rating. As such, facing the fear here could be the best method of defeat.

Unexpected expenses

Villains love to make us jump, and unexpected business expenses often do just that. Just when we think we’ve found our financial footing, you can guarantee that a breakage of some sort sets us back again. The best way to defeat this villain is to save a rainy day fund. When things are going well, set aside as much money as you can. Then, you can dip into this if anything happens. A fast loan, like those mentioned above, can also save you here. But, remember that you won’t have to repay your savings, so that’s by far your best option. http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/oneclickmoney-zaim-na-kartu.html

The Ages Of Money, And How To Be Financially Secure In Every One

Good financial sense is an essential as we go through the stages of life, although many of us don’t realize this until we have arrived in each one and by then it is too late! With this in mind, get ahead of the game by reading the guide below.

0-20 years

Most folks don’t think too much about the fact that what they spend at this point in their life can affect the rest of it. However, some frugality and sensible investing now can set you up for financial stability.

That means if you are just getting your first part-time job, or your initial job after education it makes sense to save as much as you can. Then you can invest it in long-term assets on the stock market, and it could make you very wealthy by the tender age of 30.

Invest when you are young to be secure throughout life

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20-30 years

These are the years that most folks are concerned with getting their first lot of big-ticket items such as cars and houses. It’s also usually when they choose to settle down and consider having a family. That means there can be a lot of demand on your finances at this time.

With this in mind, it’s a good idea to open a  saving account and create a fund that will allow you to pay for any financial difficulties that so come your way, rather than living right up to your limit all of the time. The reason being that it can be very stressful when life changes do occur, something that is quite likely during this period.

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30-40 years

This period of time is when it’s best to start thinking about your retirement. OK, so it’s quite a way off yet, but getting reliable retirement advice you can trust now can help you build a fund for the future that will allow you to live comfortably. Choose to ignore this and wait until later on, you will find you have to save a lot harder and pay more into any pensions to get anywhere near what you could earn if you do it in your 30’s!

40-50 years

With any luck, some of your previous financial investments are starting to pay off during the time between your 40s and 50s. This means you may find yourself in a position to invest in some luxuries and more of the finer things in life. This is, of course very enjoyable.

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However, you must also remember not to get carried away with this sort of lifestyle. That means ensuring you have reinvested at least a portion of the revenue you have earned to provide for your future financial security in later life and during retirement.

50-60 years

In you 50’s it like you are most focused on retirement, you may even choose to take early, or part-time retirement to focus on other things in life that you enjoy.

If this is the case, then be sure that you keep a firm hold of your expenses and use only the portion of your resources you can afford to pay for this change in lifestyle. Otherwise, you risk financial instability later on in life. A time where you could possibly need it the most due to the increased likelihood of medical costs and care.

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Image here http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/online-zaym-na-kartu-payps.html

WordStress: Taking The Chaos Out Of Commerce

WordStress: Taking The Chaos Out Of Commerce - e-commerce photo image

(Image Source)

For a lot of people, the idea of running an e-commerce site is one which fills them with excitement. Not only will you get the chance to sell products which excite you, but you will also be given the chance to work for yourself, and this can be tempting enough on its own. Of course, though, if starting an e-commerce site was easy, far more would be drawn to the idea, and it would be impossible to get your voice heard. In reality, this market is hard to get into, and you need all of the right components to make it work.

A Solid Platform: Nowadays, even the more experienced developers will rarely build a website from scratch. Instead, to save time and effort, platforms like WordPress are used, with this example covering over a quarter of the websites on the Internet. Choosing the right platform for your business is very important. For some, the simplicity found with a tool like Wix will be perfect. Of course, though, while having something simple will be easy, an option like WordPress gives you power, and this is what makes it so popular.

Some Tools To Match: One of the key benefits of a system like WordPress is the extensions which are available to give it greater functionality. In the case of e-commerce, most sites won’t need much more than WooCommerce installed, along with a couple of extras to enhance to improve it. An option like this is a great way to handle your products, orders, and even accounting, while also taking away the stress of having it built for you.

The Greatest Gateway: If you’ve had any experience with e-commerce in the past, you’ve probably heard of gateways before. This is the system which connects your websites to your customer’s bank, giving you the chance to avoid complex security and legal practices when it comes to building the site. Options like Stripe are the easiest to use, while also charging minimal fees, making them great for most businesses. Most of the available options out there will come with plugins and other features which connect them to your site with ease.

Fulfilling Your Orders: Finally, as the last area to consider, the biggest issue for a lot of e-commerce websites is fulfilling to the orders being received. Companies like Red Stag Fulfillment can take all of this work out of your hands, including storing the goods before they ship. While this will cost money, slicing away at your profits, it will also vastly improve the service you’re able to give. In most cases, this will be an expense worth paying, and you won’t look back once you’ve done it.

Hopefully, with all of this in mind, it should be a lot easier to start looking for ways to take the stress out of running your own ecommerce website. A lot of people struggle with this sort of business when they first start, not understanding the work which has to be done. With the right time and dedication, though, anyone should be able to produce a successful site. http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/platiza-mgnovenniy-zaim-online.html

Adulthood? Adult-hide! Shirking With Sense

Adulthood? Adult-hide! Shirking With Sense - girl hiding image

(Image Source)

When going through school, most people don’t learn as much as they’d like to about adult life. During this time, you will be prepared for exams and coursework, while also getting some help with your future careers. Of course, though, when you don’t know how to handle basic jobs, it can feel like you’re far too busy. Overcoming this is a simple matter of following this post which will be exploring some of the easiest ways to start shirking life’s little stresses.

What Can Be Done? Being an adult consists of a lot of work which most people would rather leave for someone else. From cleaning the car to looking after the kids, it can be hard to make sure that you have all of the bases covered when you’re on your own. Below, you can find some examples of the common areas people will leave for others.


  • Money: Your finances are possibly the most important part of your adult life. If you let this area slip, everything else will come crashing down with it, and most people are well aware of this issue. When you find an accountant to help you, you can visit their website and read some reviews to make sure that they are legitimate. Having someone to handle your money for you can make life a lot easier.



  • The House: Along with making sure that your money is sound, a lot of people will work very hard to ensure that their house is also in very good shape. When you have children or a high-pressure job, though, you might not have the time for this. To make it easier, there are loads of companies out there which specialise in residential cleaning. One of the biggest considerations to make with this is trust, as you will have to be able to leave them in your home.



  • With The Kids: Finally, as the last area to consider, a lot of people find themselves struggling when it comes to keeping their kids happy. Whether you have work or just need some time to unwind, the kids won’t make it easy to enjoy this process. To solve this issue, using a babysitter once or twice each month is a great way to have some time to ignore adulthood, and focus on the things you enjoy. Of course, every good parent loves their kids, but they also need a chance to separate from them sometimes, too.


In life, there are always going to be jobs which you enjoy, and those which make your time all the harder. Thankfully, though, as time moves on, these sorts of methods are becoming more and more popular. Not only does this make them easier to find, but it also makes them much cheaper, and this is perfect for anyone in urgent need of support. Below, you can find some of the further benefits of a route like this, along with some of the negatives, too.

The Benefits: Taking stress out of life is always a great way to improve loads of different areas. Of course, most people don’t like being stressed, and getting rid of it will make them feel much better in normal life. Along with this, though, even your health can be impacted by pressure in your life. This makes it very important to look for ways to limit it in your life, using other people’s skills to have it handled behind the scenes. This sort of approach is especially useful for those with children.

The Negatives: Along with the good side of this, there are also some negatives, and it’s a good idea to consider these before you take any action. To begin, using someone else’s skills to do work for you will almost always cost money. This means that, while you save some stress, you may have to invest in the process, and a lot of people won’t want to do this. Along with this, pushing back emotions like stress to deal with them later can be very unhealthy. So, instead, you will always have to work with the aim of removing stress, not masking it with distractions.

Hopefully, with all of this in mind, it will be a lot easier to start taking away the stress in your life, replacing it with cleverly chosen products and services which make life easier. Of course, along with this, a lot of people like to use methods like mindfulness to help to control their negative emotions. It’s always best to try as many methods as you can until you find the one which works best for you. http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/sms-finance-express-zaimy-na-kartu.html