
Filling Up Your Free Time, And Your Wallet In The Meantime

Filling Up Your Free Time, And Your Wallet In The Meantime - wallet and watch image

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Time is money, and often, you won’t have enough of either. However, there are some ways to utilize the time, that you’re usually on the sofa playing PS4, to gain a little more cash flow and fill out your wallet (you could even buy a new one if yours is looking pretty tired). The following are some ideas how you earn some extra money when you’re out of the office, so those Yeezys might just become your next investment.

Use Your Camera

Filling Up Your Free Time, And Your Wallet In The Meantime - camera equipment image

Image from PEXELS

Whether you use your iPhone camera, received a Canon PowerShot for Christmas, or you’re out every weekend with your drone; if you’ve got a talent for capturing incredible images, you can make money from doing so. You never know, your side hustle could become your full-time job, and you’ll never dread Monday mornings again. Start by setting up a dedicated Instagram account for your pictures, gain some interest, and build your followers; you’ll be able to gauge what pictures go down the best, and you’ll be able to develop your skills and individual style. If your front door doesn’t lead to a Swiss landscape of a mountain and lake; there’s no need to stress about it. Taking photos of your everyday environment, whether it’s a cityscape or a suburb, will give you a personal edge and your crowd will appreciate what you’re portraying.

Before you set up an online store for your work; offer to sell your popular posts as prints. You can print your photography as they’re ordered, and you won’t have to fork out a huge sum of money upfront (unless you’re getting hundreds of orders and it’s time to start thinking about quitting your job). Do a run of themed or limited edition pieces; people love to know that they own something rare, and it’ll tempt them to buy something over just liking your post. There are a ton of other ways to sell your photography skills too; for some more ideas, take a look here: https://photographyconcentrate.com/infographic-36-ways-to-make-money-as-a-photographer/.

Use Your Laptop

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Image credit: tookapic.com

Instead of watching Netflix when the weather is bad outside; you could think about getting online to earn some money instead. If your laptop or tablet is a permanent fixture on your body when you’re chilling, it could be the perfect route into getting paid. If you don’t mind filling in some surveys and answering questions about yourself, then you should read more into getting paid to do so; there a number of websites that will send your regular questionnaires and pay you cash or vouchers to complete them. You can grab a beer, sit back and earn some dollars as you type; sounds like a Thursday night well spent.

If you’re a talented writer or graphic designer; think about selling your skills outside of your workplace and setting yourself up as a part time freelancer. You could start small by seeking out any local businesses or independent online stores, and asking them if they need any content or branding help. If you keep your rates reasonable, you’ll be an appealing option for small companies who have less of a budget to spend. And, if there places you already go to, to shop or eat; you might just get a free meal or a regular discount on items, which will save you money.

You may not feel like you want to sit and work on your laptop when you’re not at work, and that’s understandable. Consider an online auction site, like eBay, and start selling the items that have been hanging in your closet for months, and that you’re unlikely ever to wear or use again. Not only will you be earning more cash; you’ll be making room in your home for all the new stuff that you’ll be able to afford.

Use Your Style

Filling Up Your Free Time, And Your Wallet In The Meantime - man's style image

Image via pixabay

If you’re the type of person that’s constantly being complimented on your outfits, sneaker choices, and the hats you wear, you can turn your excellent taste and style into an income. Taking regular images and blogging about them, or uploading them to Instagram, will provide a platform for you to show what you’re wearing and how you’re styling your garments. When people respond positively to what you’re doing, it’s a sign to keep going so that you’ll build up a loyal and ever-increasing following. Check out the 50 best men’s style Instagram accounts for some inspiration.

The more popularity you gain, the more notice brands and companies will take of you; this is when you’ll be sent free items to share and wear, and be paid to advertise through your chosen channels. It seems like a pretty sweet deal when all you have to do to get paid is get dressed each morning.

4 Ways The Internet Can Solve Your Cash Problems

4 Ways The Internet Can Solve Your Cash Problems - dollars and phone image

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If the internet has done one thing it has ramped up our accessibility to extra cash, and who doesn’t want or need a little bit of extra cash. After all, we tend to be one dollar short of our bills at the end of each month for the simple fact that we all live to our means.

The reasons why we may want to make a little bit extra are almost infinite. It could be that we want to pay down debts before we get stung hard by the interest rates, perhaps an injury is keeping you out of work, your emergency fund was suddenly hit by a car maintenance job, or you want to put that little bit more into your retirement fund.

Whatever it is, we have done the due diligence for you and come up with the best ways to make money online and help you make that little bit more:

4 Ways The Internet Can Solve Your Cash Problems - online working

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Survey Taking

More and more people are using the increased demand for data to their advantage, namely by making money in their spare time. Seriously, the world has gone absolutely nuts for data, and businesses will do anything to better understand the average consumer, which is where you come in and, more crucially, where this list of paid surveys comes in. All you have to do is tick some boxes or answer questions, maybe even test a product or two and, voila, you can earn a little bit of extra money to go toward your debt repayments or whatever you are using it for. Simple and effective.

No-Risk Betting

It’s also called matched betting, and it is arguably the easiest way to make substantial money (without robbing a bank or a friend’s ISA). The way it works is relatively simple: you take advantage of those free bets you always see being offered by betting shops and then ‘matching’ them at an exchange. That’s what makes it risk-free. Twice over. Not only are you betting for free, you are also betting for and against a certain outcome. Big money to be made once you get the hang of it and, yes, it is totally legally before you ask.

You might also want to check out Betulator

Just Search The Web

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best, and that certainly seems to be the case with Qmee’s idea, which has made making a little bit of extra money online almost as easy as breathing air. All you do is install the Qmee add-on to your web browser and then browse the web as you would normally. You just conduct a search and every so often, what will happen is, a sponsored result may appear with a cash reward attached to it. If you’re interested, well, click and collect. Yes, the rewards may be tiny, but for doing nothing new that’s a good deal, as is the fact you can cash out whenever. Yup. no minimum amount needed.

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Test Sites

So you know your way around the web, huh? Well, why not turn this into a nice little money spinner (maybe even go pro with it) and browse the web full-time. You think we’re joking, don’t you? We’re not, and UserTesting will support us. This is a new type of platform and what it does is allows people to review websites, loads of websites. It takes about 20 minutes to do a review and, in return, you’ll get $10 dropped into your PayPal account. That’s it. Simple.

Getting Over Credit, Debt, And Other Horror Stories

When people think of credit and debt, their minds immediately go to the worse case scenarios of them. We’ve all heard ghost stories of how bad credit can drag you down and limit your options and how debt can become a spiral that can truly be very hard to climb out of. But the problem is that a lot of people focus on the negative consequences of these stories that they fail to consider just how helpful credit and debt can be. Here, we’re going to challenge the phobia and help you use credit and debt better.

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The sooner you come face-to-face with it, the better

There’s a significant portion of adults who have never once checked their credit report. Some of these people might not know to, others have chosen not to because they’re staying well away from credit as much as possible. However, even if your record is immaculate, your report might not be. You might have to repair your credit score by no fault of your own but because there are erroneous accounts on them. For instance, you might be getting bad reports based on accounts that are mistakenly tied to your name but aren’t yours. Or you might be up-to-date with all your payments but your creditors made a mistake in reporting that you missed a payment.

It’s the next step in a better financial life

When used responsibly, credit and debt are the steps you take to make some of the biggest financial decisions in your life. When you get a car, when you buy a house, when you start a business, the chances are you take out a loan for them. With better credit, which is built by taking debts responsibly, you have the chance to get the best discount auto loans and the best mortgages. Having no history of credit isn’t going to help you get better deals. You have no history of being a responsible debtor, after all. Only by building a healthy credit history can you get the best deals.

Credit cards aren’t the devil

Those pieces of plastic might be considered the single most dangerous aspect of credit. Yes, people get themselves into credit card debt they can’t handle by using it to make lifestyle purchases they otherwise couldn’t. But that debt can be used positively to build up your credit so long as you have pre-planned a budget to always keep on top of it. Debt management turns debt from a danger into a simple part of life. You can get rewards cards that turn credit card use into extra purchasing power, whether it’s through air miles or through grocery vouchers.

Wise use of credit and responsibility for debts can be one of the most effective financial tools at your disposal. It can improve your purchasing power and it can help you make some of the biggest financial decisions in your life. In any account, it’s important to come face-to-face with it so you make sure that it’s not marred by errors that could come back to haunt you.