
Money Lessons from The Magic Magpie

The Magic Magpie is the second book in the award winning Financial Fairy Tales series.

Making learning about money fun for younger readers. Helping introduce ideas and values around money for parents and kids.

Key Financial Principles in The Magic Magpie

  • If something looks too good to be true it usually is
  • Success is the result of small daily actions
  • Decisions and actions have consequences
  • Honesty is the best policy
  • Sometimes the answer to problems are right under your feet
  • Working towards your goals with purpose and passion will bring maximum rewards


The Magic Magpie is launched on November 2nd and comes with over $1500 in partner gifts

Take a sneak peak with the fantastic flip book preview here

Why we should be teaching kids about money

In this short video interview I was asked to describe why it’s so important to teach kids about money and the unique approach of Financial Fairy Tales in making financial literacy fun for younger children.

Please enjoy and add your comments below

Financial Self Help for Kids

I never much cared for calling a book category ‘Self Help’, somehow Personal Development or Self Improvement sound much more appealing.

I was delighted to find out however that Dreams Can Come True is a finalist in the 2010 Best Book awards under the Children’s Mind Body & Spirit category.

The Financial Fairy Tales books have the aim of teaching children about money, both the principles and the practicalities. A large part of that is the mindset, values and beliefs surrounding possibility and prosperity, which underpin the action taking and achievement.

The award is a great honour for a first time author and hopefully will be a boost to promoting the books and the financial literacy message.

Read the full release here

How to teach teens about money? – Use CASH

Let’s face it, in general teenagers and long attention spans are not often used in the same sentence. When it comes to talking to your teens about money something short and to the point might just help get the message across. The acronym CASH can help young people understand key concepts around money.

 C – Credit. There is a difference between good and bad credit. Loans to buy assets, such as a home, investment property or business can be good, while consumer debt, holidays and spending on toys are not. The mantra that all credit is bad is not helpful as it is not a black and white issue. Explain the differences between good and bad credit and encourage children to understand the importance of considering the total cost of a credit purchase rather than just the monthly payment.

The shiny gadget or car may seem affordable month by month, but taking a 5 year loan to pay for a computer that may only last 3 years is bad business.

 A – Assets. Things that can generate additional income. Encourage young people to understand early that building assets, whether property, stocks or their own business ventures can give them additional income and financial security. The passive income they generate may eventually allow them the freedom to pursue their own life choices.

A proven strategy for wealth is to avoid the short term lure of consumer debt and instead put away some regular money to start to build an asset base.

S – Saving. Studies of American millionaires, published in the bestselling Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J Stanley and William D Danko revealed a large proportion of millionaires became rich by spending less than they earned and saving the rest. Compound interest was described by Einstein as one of the wonders of the world.

Encourage a savings habit early by setting an example and it may become second nature. A prominently placed jar of coins for change can be used for a family trip or night out. Also investigate savings options that may return more interest than savings deposited at the bank. This may lead to risk versus reward discussions.

 H – Hard work is not the only way to be wealthy. Many people work extremely hard, for long hours, for little pay. Do billionaires such as Donald Trump or Richard Branson work harder than an inner city school teacher, labourer or factory worker? Not necessarily. Mega successful people have often put in years of effort to bring them to the point where they are seen today. Everyone has the same number of hours available in the day; it’s up to them how they utilise them. If young people are encouraged to develop their talents, passions and natural abilities then work can become play. They can also earn a passive income from some of the Assets discussed earlier.

Having a fixed belief that money only comes from hard work may actually have a detrimental effect on wealth creation. Beliefs are lodged in the subconscious part of our minds which run automatic filters on what we pay attention to. If your filters screen out money making opportunities that don’t fit the model of requiring ‘hard work’ then you may be missing out.

Use the CASH approach as a starting point to talk to your teens about money and you may be pleasantly surprised at their receptiveness. Whereas teenagers and long attention spans are not a natural fit, there aren’t many teens who will not want to talk about cash.

Three Ways We Create Our Own Weaknesses

By Ray W. Lincoln

Ray Lincoln is the founder of Ray W. Lincoln & Associates, providing life coaching, parenting seminars, personal growth seminars, marriage seminars and more.  His expertise in Temperament Psychology has led to such success with solving parenting dilemmas that he has finally answered the recurring calls of his clients by publishing “I’m a Keeper.” His website, RayWLincoln.com, and blog, http://blog.raywlincoln.com offer further help and guidance

This may surprise you, but we have ourselves to blame for our weaknesses!  Sorry, we can’t blame our temperament or anyone or anything outside of ourselves.  We are responsible!  By the way, don’t say “blame.”  Blame, to me, is a dangerous word.  We should not “blame” ourselves for anything since blame is condemnation.  To condemn ourselves results in negative judgments against ourselves and can be very damaging. 

We should, rather, hold ourselves responsible for our actions. We don’t want to blame our children because it lowers their self-esteem. And one of the temperaments (the NF), in particular, is strongly affected by continual inner judgments against themselves.  We cannot afford to encourage these inner judgments.  We should not let ourselves off the hook when we are responsible, either.  Blame is condemnation, but accepting responsibility points us positively in the direction of change.  Being accountable, without the negative impact of blame, is our goal.  We simply are responsible for all of our actions and reactions, and that means for all of our weaknesses, because I hope to convince you that you really are responsible for your weaknesses – as I am for mine.

Weaknesses are the negatives in our lives.  We have already said that we can never be given negatives.  Positives, yes!  Negatives are the malfunctioning of a healthy system.  They result in and are caused by mistakes, failures, wrongs, and hurts.  Weaknesses come from the wrong use or nonuse of strengths.   Here’s how…

My observations have taught me that all weaknesses are a negative reflection of our strengths and we create them in one of three ways: 

1.     When we don’t use our strengths, we create weaknesses in our lives.  This should be obvious. 

2.     When we overuse our strengths we create weaknesses.  The overuse of any strength creates a weakness.  Overuse creates a negative (not a positive) force. 

3.     When we use our strengths for wrong purposes (that is, to hurt ourselves or others – any others) we develop weaknesses, and we soon feel the pain of guilt flagging us that something is wrong.  

There’s good news in this.  I hope you see it.  The good news is that, because we are responsible for our weakness, we can overcome them.  The solution is really simple.  It starts with understanding focus.  We’ll deal with that in a subsequent lesson.

This article is adapted from an excerpt from the book, I’m A Keeper, by Ray W. Lincoln.  Ray is offering a great package of supporting gifts FOR A LIMITED TIME to those who purchase I’m a Keeper.  Go NOW to http://web.me.com/raynmaryjolincoln/RayWLincoln/Imakeeperbook.html to access this helpful book and the incredible offer.