Coming up to the new year certainly can bring around a lot of time to reflect on how the year has gone, whether that is through your career progression, family life, travelling plans or your financial situation. You may have succeeded in your goals or maybe have forgotten about them completely and need to re-evaluate how you will then tackle them this year. With so many financial issues at the forefront of people’s minds, having an effective and realistic plan on how you are going to deal with your finances for the next year would be a great way to start your new year planning.
Get Professional Advice
You may feel completely overwhelmed with your financial situation and have no clue where to start. If that is the case there is so much out there to help you. Whether that is debt advice, restructuring your finances with the bank or even hiring an accountant. Hiring an accountant is very beneficial especially if you are self-employed as they will be able to help you with your deductions and reduce your tax bill.
Get What You Are Owed
Now would be the perfect time before the year is out to make sure you have any money you are owed. Are you waiting on a tax return that you can follow up on? Checking your energy suppliers is also a great thing to do as there may be a lump sum of credit on the account you can claim back. You may also be able to claim money from any complaints or grievances you have had. This could be making a claim against the council for negligence or you may have had a car accident and can claim and seek advice for that.
Do An Outgoing Audit
At the end of the year is the best time to audit all of your outgoings and make sure you are aware of what exactly is going out. You could be surprised at how much you could be saving from cancelling things. There are plenty of times people sign up for a free trial and forget to cancel them after, you may not even be using that app or service. So make sure you are cancelling anything you don’t need, which could also be from magazine subscriptions to gym memberships. You can also see how much you are paying for certain things like utilities and your TV package and speak to your providers. A lot of the time, just asking you may be able to get a better deal and lower the monthly cost of what you are paying.
Be Sure To Assess The Household Finances
One of the issues a lot of households face when it comes to their finances is hiding things from each other. It is important to be open and honest and help each other when needed. Assessing your finances as a whole each year will make sure you have no nasty surprises or huge bills coming through the door that you aren’t able to manage.